Will you click on a link saying , "Claim 500 BTC here" ?

in scam-alert •  3 years ago 

Hello everyone ,
How are you all ? i hope everyone is fine and doing great in their life. About me , i am better then before and feeling alot better now.

Well did you read the heading of this post ? if yes then what is your answer ? most probably you won't click on such a link.

Few days ago the official twitter account of the prime minister of India was hacked and not only that there was a tweet made from his account that says , "India has accepted bitcoin as legal tender and there are a total of 500 bitcoin that has been bought to be distributed among the residents of India".



There was a link where people would have to click and claim btc. Obviously it was all a scam as the twitter account was actually compromised.

So here is the thing , never ever click on such links as it is not at all safe. Sometimes there is a request where you have to send some bitcoin and you get double of what you send.

It is all fake and you should always stay away from these types of links. Keep your wallets safe , it is all in your hands.

Thats all from my side for now , i will catch you all up with my upcoming post on Splinterlands. There are some card openings i am going to share soon.

Thank you

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I will never click such a link and I have seen hundreds of such links. A lot of people get fooled by such links and end up losing their tokens.

And it is sad to know that the Twitter account of our Prime Minister was compromised. I hope Twitter will strengthen its security.