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That my friend is the official story yes ,. to justify , to have some sort of public support from the Christians . But we by now know , all official info given to us is just lies to keep the deeper truth hidden from the common people .

Sorry to bring you this , but no Messiah will arrive ,. and if it does , it is a fake set up lie to fool us ,. to lure us in to a one world NWO religion .

Just Imagine what will happen when the Zionist Jews destroy the rock that is holly to the Muslims . The Arab world will be very pissed of ,. and the Zionist's will play the victim again to have the Christians fight of the Muslims .

The fact that those red cows are made by dna manipulation , and are not natural at all , tells me enough . It is planned , probably to provoke a whole religion in to total war . While at the same time being a distraction from the ongoing global genocide by the WHO and friends .

These end times are not natural ,. they are created by evil greedy man out for total control over everything in this world .

Be save , stay strong ,. do not get fooled by their lies .

Posted from

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Sorry to bring you this , but no Messiah will arrive

Damn right - I'm staying put ! lolol
