Shackled minds - my dead friend - mRNA jabbed to death.

in sad •  3 years ago  (edited)


We worked together at Land Rover.

This article goes out to my now departed buddy that passed away this morning after his third mRNA covid-1984 jab.
His name was Barrington.
He had one eye missing due to doing ultimate fighting.
I must admit I am not bothered about fighting anyone in self defense but if he hit me I doubt very much I would have been getting up for a while, and when I did I would be sure I knew he had hit me.

I lost touch with him some years ago as you do, me leaving the UK and my job, him staying in the UK.
Another of the guys I worked with at Land Rover contacted me when the mRNA jabs came out and asked me how he could refuse to take it and refuse to wear a mask at work.
I wrote him a disclaimer that had to be signed by Land Rover to accept any and all responsibility for any adverse reactions and agree to pay compensation in the event of both them and or death. They refused and let him keep his job, they also dropped the requirement for anyone else having to comply. I think it was the part where I asked them "how long they had worked for the government and felt the need to administer their rules for them".

I wish Barrington had asked me too.

He had his third jab yesterday to "keep his job" but now he has lost it anyway and his life.
The hospital said after he had the second jab that he was suffering from Myocarditis, heart inflammation.

I have been called names, downvoted on hive, lost friends online, lost followers on here for stating facts, mRNA jabs are "not a vaccine" and germ theory is not "FACT"........
And now I have lost a great guy the same age as me because he "complied".....
He had knowledge of so many martial arts I am at a loss to state how many, my only stint at martial arts realistically was Muai Thai or Thai boxing.
I am like he was till this morning, tooooo old for it now, and only in self defense if needed not in attack, he harmed nobody that did not want a fight, the same as me, that is why he was my friend.

I mean nobody any harm by stating facts, researching and telling the truth.
People need to ask themselves about the virtue signalers in their life, in their inner circle that make them comply, just because they do.

The people on here, on hive, bastyon, facebook and any other site that have unfriended me, critised me, down voted me for giving a shit I wish them well, including offgridlife on here. But there comes a time when they have to say "fuck me you were right brother".....

I use facts, statistics, want some? Here you go, with source links too, hey - you are welcome.
Bye the way, you can check my historical posts for figures re adverse reactions and deaths as the UK government are now manipulating the figures down as they have to pay any compensation.

TOTAL REACTIONS FOR DRUG 864632 deaths 1244


Pfizer alone months ago accounted for way more deaths than that, but hey, never let facts get in the way of a good story.


It is them, the fake virtue club that get on my nerves.

There is going to be a huge cost to these deaths, my buddy has only been dead 12 hours and already the hospital is admitting it was the jab, it will be possibly 1 million in £ compensation for his loved ones, but who pays? Pfizer, oh wait - they had an agreed cop out clause, so tax payers pay!!!!!!!


Tonight I am angry again, not with you, with this system, if anything needs taking apart it is the entire thing, if anyone is left standing after agenda 2030 that is.

My gentle giant friend is gone, and for what, to appease some morons, to make idiots feel more comfortable because they just follow anything they are told by alleged officials. If you are "one of them" feel free to unfollow me, everyone else does, I just want a better future for us all, not just to signal my virtue because it is fashionable today.
How did we get in such a mess as a society.

Like my buddy on fakebook, you know the site, it gets offended when you do not follow the WEF script or lamestream narrative.

"Kory Stevens
Our system right now can’t continue. I believe .. it just can’t .. teachers don’t teach doctors don’t heal .. just like all empires of past this will change .. it will be a catastrophe ending I think with the way the greed envy lack of any empathy etc etc is going here .. we are all sick with at least one autoimmune disorder .. be it cancer or anything .. diabetes .. anyways the Great Depression was not fun .. this will be a lot worse I believe .. we can’t take care of ourselves 99% of us .. we can’t survive without our nanny .. so this is quite the situation coming up .. it will crash .. as for burning I don’t know .. but there will be chaos and pandemonium
Reply1 h"

"This can’t continue on .. with the obesity and depression and anxiety.. pharmacies on every second corner .. things will get out of hand when the money stops working as it did in the Ukraine when the Soviet empire crashed .. but in the Ukraine people were healthy overall and no one was hooked in any pharmaceuticals etc .. they could survive without the system .."

Barrington, he was a great man, a legend, a true gentle giant fighter, a pleasure to know, you will be missed my friend, sorry for losing touch with you, shine on you crazy diamond, where ever you are.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What pain are you going through, what hurts the most is that he didn't want to get that injection, because of keeping a job, he submitted to stability. But for what? for he is dead today, his family must be devastated, because friend and relatives are what suffers not this rotten system

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Honestly. I am so angry tonight I can not talk about this, maybe tomorrow, just angry now.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

This is terrible news. I’m sorry for your loss. As you know I have also received my 2 doses of the Pfizer Vaccine, I have not taken the booster. So I probably don’t have very many days left on this earth. I am trying to make the most of what little time I have left. I am trying to stay positive until the very end. Hopefully someone says something kind about me when I’m gone. I had a very good life.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

My brother I wish you no ill fate, I wish for you to live, I want everyone set free from mental bondage.
I can not feel sorry for you though as you made the choice to take the jabs, and if you virtue signaled to others along the way, you encouraged them too.
I just want people to live, not comply, compliance leads to death without living.
Thank you for the comment, seek a detox as I said before, maybe it is possible to get that crap out your system, unsure, but at least try.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks. I told people to go outside and breath the air and enjoy life. I never recommended the Vaccine to anyone and I Never once told someone that they would die.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

All good then.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Dear @ajerkoff my heart goes out to Barrington your dear friend. It really feels bad to loose a dear one and no words can actually amount to your peace but wherever peace comes from, let it may way to your heart.

Let's be reaolute that this whole covid madness will come to an end and all culprits pay the eternal price.

Peace ✌ ☮ to Barriington
Peace ✌ ☮ to @ajerkoff
Peace ✌ ☮ to blurtans

Cheers buddy its gonna be fine, if not now, someday soon enough because hope is our only valuable treasure.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you brother, peace back in return, thank you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

My pleasure brother. I lost my mom 2019 but trust me am yet to recover from it. I can imagine it's a hard time for you now but surely in due time peace will come to you.

May Barrington find peace.
May thr living find peace.
May the world preach peace.


  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

100 blurt coming your way in 1 minutes time, have a great day.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This is massive for me buddy.
Gratitude is not just enough for me to say but from the debth of my heart I say thank you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

One life brother, all in it together, you are welcome, a gift from my heart with no strings attached, enjoy.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This means alot for me brother. I hope to something about this someday and perhaps soonest.

Everybody dies but not everybody who truly lives. The moment we begin to live is the moment we begin to impact other lives for the better. You just impacted me positively and I will always have a reason to impact others too.

Yeah, we are all in this together.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I call it pass it on, when we all do it, the world gets better, there was a movie called that, but with a tragic end, but all the same, we can rewrite the ending, have a superb day.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I'm so sorry.
This was a great eulogy. Thanks for posting it.

(I'll bet his official obit says something like "died unexpectedly" as so many do these days.)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sad but true, it read he died of natural causes, natural my arse. mRNA is pure poison for profit, next jab please. They can stick it up their own ass. Excuse my bad language, just a little angry tonight, not aimed at you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Natural causes?!!! That's the first I've heard that one. Holy cow. Naturally injecting toxins directly into your flesh could kill you, so naturally it was a natural cause. Surreal!!! The narrative is disintegrating into nonsensical bits.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Not a single bit of it made any sense at the start, you seen any dead bodies on the street the msm sold us? Me neither. Look to those few, those that made fake money out of this, follow the money, find the culprit. Or fake leader, the entire system is a shambles, it has to end.

So sorry to hear of your loss mate - thoughts are with you. I'm in exactly the same situation - observing loved ones walk over the edge of a cliff, people becoming seriously ill and dying. It's difficult to know what to do for the best, I guess the only thing we can really offer are our words and research - and hope that someone listens.

Take care dude - you're a top man!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I almost set off on a large stupidly fast bike today, with the intention of taking it to the very limit, then a young lady on a KTM pulled up beside me, she was only on a 125, 75mph top speed bike and she asked me to ride along with her, a slow and gentle ride, I did, she was like an angel, she got rid of my anger. Strange world is it not, everything for a reason.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


Very saddened by this loss bruv!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Cheers brother. Good tune, thank you.

Sounds like you have someone looking out for you my friend. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Possibly bro, possibly, never saw her face, just her hair hanging out the helmet, she kept me calm though, bless her.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

i know how you feel i lost my poppy at 82 this year

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

A loss is a loss and not a single one of us can comprehend death, even though it is an alleged certainty, I only said alleged because I want to live forever, joking, not with this shit show of fakes and frauds, lies and deceit, beam the fuck up as my friends get killed with bullshit needles filled with mRNA bollox, from morons that know no better, sorry for your loss brother.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Indeed, cheers bro

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Watching them dying is even harder than knowing they are going to...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It it pissing me off now, no matter what facts, what I explain, people feel the need to comply, for a fake system, with fake leaders, fake money, fake doctors, fake media. Angry today, nobody needed to die, enough resources on this planet for all, if wankers stop blowing people up!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think Max Igan nails it in this interview:

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Indeed he does.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sorry for the loss of your friend. I have friends that aren't doing well now after having the booster unfortunately I think we will be going through a time of many people sadly passing away from the vax.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes bro, but my hand on my heart, I did and have warned them, you know me well, I am no shrinking violet, I am not afraid to speak up, I just wish everyone was the same.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I got angry with my parents last week - prob won't be long now - the inflammatory response can happen in various places - wtf we have kids now with myocarditis! A niece has "mild kovid" - WTF is THAT!? Hope is just a stupid flu.

Anyway, this was all going to happen... just a matter of time... we shall watch them die. Anyone who has been prickd, just stop from now on - every chance you may have been lucky.

Cleanse the farmacies and the fonemasts.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sad to watch all this happen before our eyes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Mind you, what is sadder is that when someone dies their family will believe it was the ghost virus - and that will fuel demands for more controls. We are now in a madhouse - an insanatorium!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The lunatics took over the asylum decades ago, and the alleged education system, we are not doomed though, just on the cusp, right on top of the wave of change, let it all collapse, then build it again, minus the lunatics, and the asylum.