RE: I Think I Cracked the Cannabis Code

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I Think I Cracked the Cannabis Code

in blurt •  last year 

Which Is why I rather wait for my own home grown to be in season.

As far as making it "legal" instead of "decriminalization" is stricty to maintain control over its consumption and control over the profits. While it is "legalized, sales and medicinal and even up to recreational use will require permission from "government". Under "decriminalization", legislation can't touch it and thus no permission is needed for independent sales and such.

As it stands under legal law, gangs/cartels/"government"/etc, will monopolize the market in these dispenseries and thus create an open money laundry system accepted by the legal sense. Essentially, making it legal serves only the elite, the government and cartels. The fact that people are saying that cartels will not benifit from it just shows how little they know how criminals function. Legalization of cannabis is a mistake. A type of mistake that doesn't even exist once one realizes that authority is a myth, because without it, nothing can be legal or illegal or made to be either or vice versa one day.

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I do not consent to that psychopathic legal/governmental system and stand sovereign on Ethical ground - under the three Laws of Ethics ONLY. I'm on MUCH higher ground than the legal sewer!

I hope to help You grow someday!!!

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  ·  last year  ·  

Neither do I. I don't invest into it. I grow my own. I live my life according to my own principles and rules. I have a conscious. I rape, murder and steal as much is I want wich is is none at all

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🙏💜🙏 The thing is, of course, whether One is sovereign or not, Natural Law applies, and there will be Ethical consequences for doing any of those things... Haha! [hugs!]

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