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  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

It can't be simpler for now. Maybe in the future. For now, I will say that if you are not able to handle it, even if someone fails you, what will you do if it breaks down? (happens sometimes).

For example, I don't understand everything like a sabion or tekaze . I just use their ready-made commands on the witness chat for re-synchronization or repair, but in general I have knowledge of how to install it and I understand what these commands do, what a condenser, docker is and how the process works installation and what happens during it because I have the basics. For me, the problem is the lack of advanced knowledge about what can be done and how, because I do not yet have good technical knowledge of the blockchain itself and the solutions used in it (I am still learning in my free time).

If you want to run a node, I suggest you familiarize yourself with these basics, and for more advanced things, you can simply contact the dev chat and someone will always help you there.

The point is that understanding these basics will give you the ground to look for advanced solutions. Without the basics, you won't even know what question to ask and you always must looking help outside.

the basics to cover are:

  • using the Linux terminal and simple Linux commands such as changing the path, installing necessary programs and libraries, text editor nano or gedit in terminal, and firewall command ufw etc.
  • configuring VPS, i.e. how to change the password to the ssh key and how to use it on your computer, and how to connect from your computer terminal to your VPS. (I will add that if you use Windows on a daily basis, it is a bit more complicated in my opinion)
  • understand what containers and docker are

There is just few days of lerning to know enough to install node.

You are capable to understand it co i encourage just to tray first ;) You always get another skills for your self ;)

The rest is in the manual and basically is simple as copy and paste.

Posted from

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Thanks for explaining what it would entail to run a witness node properly.
It reminds me why I gave up when I tried to do it before!
My degree was in nursing and psychiatry. I never took a single computer course. I've been using personal computers every day for 40 years, and the internet since it became available, but I have no idea about networking or programming. I simply have a knowledge hole exactly where the skills for running a blockchain node are. With enough time and dedication, I could probably get it working, but as you pointed out, would I be able to handle issues that came up? Besides, do I even have a few days to dedicate to a new skill? With my health and my young children right now, I think the answer is no.
I think witnessing is about even more than just running a node, so even if I managed to do that, there's no guarantee I would succeed at being a witness.
Anyhow, thanks for the info : )

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

I have been following your blog for a long time and it would be good to have such a devoted Witness on the platform.

Whether it would take you a few days or less to learn it, I don't know. If you are bright, maybe even less. However, of course you need to be willing to delve deeper into the topic.

As for qualifications, I believe that there are never enough of them. You never know when something will come in handy in your life ;)

Well, maybe one day you'll find the time to figure it out. I'm here to help if needed.

  ·  last year  ·  

I can help you, set setup your fresh node. Just reach me via Discord DM please and we can chat there.