RE: You Have a Choice – Will You Choose Wisely?

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You Have a Choice – Will You Choose Wisely?

in blurt •  last year 

No...  You might want to review what I offer at the link below (posted before Blurt came out).  There is no "curing" the psychopathy in primary (genetic) psychopaths.

It's not that I merely focus on money, but that study of psychopathy over decades led Me to the awareness that money will give psychopaths the tool to power over Others and They therefore will do anything and everything They think They can get away with to amass the most, for the greatest power.

And having had a career in banking, I grew to grasp what the foundational function of money is.  To account for Our energy added into a system - and slaves must account for Their energy to Their "master."  So Many cannot see that simple fact, that once One leaves scarcity, such accounting is mere slavery.

Abundance (which We have on Our planet, accessible now to all but for the barrier of money - did You know that We produce about 125% of the food We ALL could eat, but 30-40% spoils before sale and is discarded?) requires no proof that any One has added Their "fair share" of energy.  Societies (mainly "island paradises" like Tahiti) that had all They needed for the taking never developed the accounting for energy added.

Today, in Our abundant world, money's main function is to keep Us as slaves to the psychopaths who have all the money.

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  ·  last year  ·  

There is no "curing" the psychopathy in primary (genetic) psychopaths.

I never said there was.

The psychologies of those who are easily bought is the issue.(the ethically defunct, psychological weaklings)
Their psychological makeup, supports the hierarchy of said psycho's.

I was pointing out the problem lies with the psychologies of the psychopaths' enablers, the sycophants etc....
These psychological perspectives CAN be changed - through education.

Blaming the screw up of the psychopathic influence - on 'money' - is the same as blaming guns for killing people, and not the actual people.

It all starts with educating the masses - to philosophy & math, (and lots of physical activities).

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You are not getting it.  Money = power.  And the psychopaths will gain the most.  Then use that power against Us.  It's not "screw ups."  The things the psychopaths do are calculated and planned, scripted and directed on the stage of media They own.  Because They have the money to buy it all.

It is totally not like blaming guns.  Because People kill using guns does not = power to take everything from Humanity on a planet.  Which is what money allows.  You think the numbers of all those People coerced into taking poison into Their bodies to keep a job would have done so with One Person with a gun?

And...  Money is an archaic tool.  We do not need it.  It makes slaves of most of Us, and gives nigh godlike power to psychopaths.  It steals Our wealth and gives it to the psychopaths while most of Us live in poverty or nearby.

You really think "education" is going to stop starving People from being willing to do the psychopaths' work for money?  If so, You don't grasp the power of money.

Why are You so hell-bent on retaining that archaic and dangerous tool?

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  ·  last year  ·  

...if money is a tool (it is), the use or misuse of the tool, is the issue.

If so, You don't grasp the power of money.

I understand the weakness of men.
...having walked away from millions, and choosing to live the most frugal of lives, I think I grasp it better than most.

Do I blame the money for my own corruption during that time?
(I also don't have the *Nietzsche-ian, resentful, ressentiment slave morality).

It's...a ...tool.
The rest is human weakness.

If that weakness is so endemic that education can't fix the issue, it only gives weight of the *ubermench philosophy, and the tragic plight of stupid people.

It's not an IQ thing, it's a self awareness/realization, thing.

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The point is that with genetic psychopaths amongst Us, no matter how gloriously You lead Your life, no matter how many non-psychopaths are "educated," as long as We retain that VERY ARCHAIC tool, psychopaths WILL be promoted to the top of the power heap.

They WILL pay Others to do dirty work.  They WILL buy all the industries that allow Them to control the Many.

Yes, it is a tool.  A VERY, VERY DANGEROUS tool.  And given it is archaic, by virtue of free energy making accounting for Our energy pointless, WHY would We want to keep using it?

Never mind that the psychopaths keep Our wealth in "trusts," as "trustees," using it against Us.  Never mind We each have an interest in the wealth on Our planet, never mind that You - YOU - are at least a multimillionaire if not a billionaire.  And what keeps You from Your wealth?  What keeps Me from Mine?

That tool You keep defending.  The psychopaths in control keep Us as slaves moving OUR wealth up to Them.  80% of the "jobs" out there do little more than move the wealth upward to the psychopaths.  Maybe 20% of the jobs are needed - infrastructure, food production, etc.

But You want to keep Humanity enslaved, because...  "It's...a ...tool."

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  ·  last year  ·  

no matter how many non-psychopaths are "educated," as long as We retain that VERY ARCHAIC tool, psychopaths WILL be promoted to the top of the power heap.

So you think that the proper education of 96% of the population in philosophy/psychology, will not thwart the 4 % because of 'muh money?'

Having one family member who is a verified psychopath, and growing up surrounded by covert and malignant narcissists, you give them far too much credit.
All it takes is for one person to point them out and they crumble (go into terrible hissy fits that a 3 year old would be jealous of - and all their 'powerrrrrrrrrrr' , just evaporates).

Tools can't enslave anyone - people do that.
Blaming the tool is like blaming the gun...

If I ever finish my book, 'caging the four', I'll send you a copy. (been on the shelf untouched for a few years).

Blaming money for all the worlds ill's is misguided.

Doing so only helps those in power, to keep the status quo - by focusing and shouting at the puppet and not addressing the puppet master.
...By doing this, you give your own power away to the psycho's.

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So that's why Soros, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Schwab, Gates, and all the rest at the top of the heap, having been pointed out a zillion times, have all gone into "terrible hissy fits that a 3 year old would be jealous of - and all their 'powerrrrrrrrrrr' , just evaporates?" Sure.

And yes, money enslaves. 80% of Us, having had to find some way to plug Our energy in for tokens to survive on, do jobs that do little more than move Their wealth up to the psychopaths in control. 80% of Us work indirectly to enrich more the Ones at the top.

Maybe You should actually watch and read My videos and articles so I don't have to type all the things I have already addressed. I have psoriatic arthritis with bone spurs in My thumbs, and typing hurts.

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  ·  last year  ·  

So that's why Soros, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Schwab, Gates, and all the rest at the top of the heap, having been pointed out a zillion times, have all gone into "terrible hissy fits that a 3 year old would be jealous of

Seriously ?
Thwarting/identifying the psychopath starts in adolescence /pre puberty. (but you know this/ your own knowledge of psychopathy).

If education in philosophy/psychology started at he same ages/younger - the psychos would never rise into such positions - they'd have hissy fits at being soro's, gates, Rockefeller et al.

It starts with understanding at the grassroots, up - not some authoritarian 'top down' banning of using a tool you ascribe to having some kind of inherent 'evil qualities' to ......(just...a...tool..).

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At this point, I will agree to disagree (wholeheartedly). Do have a lovely life.

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