R.E.P. : Russian Expressions & Proverbs

in russian •  2 years ago 


I already shared a few Russian Expressions & Proverbs in my other posts, and let me share this one as well :

Сделал дело - гуляй смело !

That means : ''You did it - Go boldly for a walk with.''

Or maybe go to stroll !

I'll explain it anyway. That means, you're free to go or to enjoy your time, only if the work is already done. Maybe the translator is right, and it's : ''Business before pleasure !''. But I just wanted to translate it in my own words.

Such expression is told usually by parents to their kids, or even by grandfathers as well. People use it often here.

Mostly the Russian culture is based on such wise expressions.

It's one of the reason why I liked the language.

After all the culture has nothing to do with what's going on.

The culture is people.

Read other expressions here : About fear, and about measuring.

Also, you can participate in this #blurtep and share expressions from your country.

I'm waiting from @petrapurple to share some. ☺

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes yes, haven't forgotten. Didnt have space today to wrap my head around, but planning an early rise tomorrow, and bring my hungarian self out. . .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, you hungatian is what we need. lol