Breaking News: USA has joined Russia as the 47th Region (Oblast)

in russia •  2 days ago  (edited)

This is getting interesting ….

Today President Putin has announced that the USA will formally join Russia as the 47th Region.

Not even a Republic ….

The Communist Russian Federation includes 21 republics, 9 territories, 46 regions, ( USA is #47) 1 autonomous region, 4 autonomous districts, and 2 cities of federal subordination: Moscow and St. Petersburg.


In Russia, the oblasts are 46 administrative territories; they are one type of federal subject, the highest-level administrative division of Russian territory.


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Seeing a lot of 47's lately, and the compass in the compass and square is set to 47°...

  ·  yesterday  ·  

They work in numerology so watch for the sum of these numbers in reduced form.

Number 2.

Or 11.

11 is Their master number. 22 is the master builder number (and why They went for 2020 (22) to begin the building of the NWO with the plannedemic to kick it off.

33 is the master teacher number...

Yes, I have been following Their gematria and numerology for a long while now. [hugs]

  ·  2 days ago  ·  

Yeah. USA is now Russia. 47 th Region.

Just how are They legitimizing THAT!?! I have been very ill for the last two days and missed much, it would seem.

  ·  yesterday  ·  

USA has embraced Communism

You are now part of Russia.

Good luck !

I am not part of that whole legal/governmental mess, and when enough of Us make that choice, to withdraw Our consent, They will have no power.

Just Stop Consenting! (article):
Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article):

  ·  2 days ago  ·  


Well time will definitely tell the hidden agenda