Life in Russia According to a Russian Girl

in russia •  2 years ago 

Hello everyone, my English speaking friends. I know that I am read and watched by people who do not understand Russian, but really want to understand what I am talking about. And so, especially for you, I want to write an article in English to pass on my knowledge to people living outside of Russia.

I'll start by telling you a little about myself. The purpose of my channel is to help people evolve. I do this by explaining the secrets of psychology, philosophy, ethology, and sociology. I myself acquire all this information in the form of insights, dreams, and simply by absorbing all the information that I have ever read, heard, or seen.


And today I want to tell you 5 amazing facts about Russia that you will not hear from any Russian.


I myself live in the city of Kirov, which is not the capital of our country, but an ordinary and typical city where people work from morning until night and can't think of anything else. If you've been to Russia, you've probably been to either Moscow or St. Petersburg. But I would like to note that our capital, Moscow, is a like a separate country from Russia. People do not live as well in other cities as in the capital. So if you've seen expensive cars, houses, and diamonds in Moscow, you can forget about it. These things are seen only in the capital. In the rest of this large country, people live in poverty.

1) And the first subject that we will analyze is: People.


Russian people remind me very much of ants. They work very hard and take all their trash home. Russian people have a slave firmware (mentality), and I believe that a Russian person is ready to plow harder than any slave did in the Middle Ages. We Russians do not work in just one job like you do, we work 2 to 3 jobs, from morning until night. And we do it all for pennies. And I mean this literally. In Russia, salaries are so small that people have to take out permanent loans and amass debts. I believe that people themselves are to blame for their poverty, because they have created an excess of labor due to their slave mentality, and are now ready to plow for a plate of chow.

I know that people in America work a lot, but they also get a lot. They can afford to buy a house or rent an apartment and eat well. Russian people are like real slaves, who devalue themselves and their lives. This is why Russian people work very inefficiently and poorly, creating bad products and things. We do not value ourselves, the people around us, and therefore we create low quality products. Our roads last for one season, boots for one month, a dress for one day out, and we ourselves do not live long, because we crash on these bad roads, catch a cold because of these bad shoes, and stay in these bad dresses that do not make us happy. So if you want to get yourself a real slave, then hire a Russian man. He will agree to work hard for free because he completely lacks a sense of self-worth, which is instilled in him by the mentality of our Russian propaganda.

2) The second subject that we will analyze is: Women.


Yes, Russian women are very cunning, arrogant and evil. Our women remind me of parasites, which can only take, take and take some more, without putting anything into the world themselves. The difference between Russian women and Western and Eastern women is that Western women support themselves and have rights like men. The women of the East are supported by their husbands and so they have no rights. Meanwhile, Russian women are supported by their husbands, but have more rights than men. So, in my country of Russia, the stick is bent too far in women's favor. Yes, we live in matriarchy.

3) The third subject that we will analyze is: Men.


Yes, Russian men are the strangest creatures on all planet Earth. Their biggest disadvantage is that they are very stupid due to their inability to resist the degradation of society. Our men are very kind and naive, so they do not have enough courage nor brains to defend their rights. But they will always help in difficult times. But often difficult moments happen precisely because of them. And herein lies such a paradox of life. If our men were not so stupid and spineless, then there would be much less problems in our society. And difficult life situations would not have to be solved. For example, a woman faces such a problem when she is left alone with her child as a result of a divorce. And now she is looking for a new man who will solve her problems. But this problem would not have happened if the first husband of this woman had not initially gone to the registry office with the woman and had not created a child. It's a pity that our men do not have enough brains to avoid making such mistakes that cause future problems not only for themselves but also for women, as well as their children.

4) The fourth subject that we will analyze is: Standard of living.


The standard of living in Russia reminds me of the Middle Ages. At a time when Europe has warm asphalt, high salaries, good cars and the latest technology, in Russia, year after year the same pipes drip and same roads need new asphalt. Our people can't do a good job the first time. They make things poorly, and in a year they need to redo them. Also every winter, in minus 20 degree weather, Russian people must survive for a whole month with insufficient heating because our utility services do not want to take care of the people. Employees of these utility services are not paid enough and therefore they take revenge on the people they serve. And thus, our whole Russian mentality is on display: if I feel bad, then let it be bad for everyone. And this is how they take their revenge.

I have a feeling that in the coming years, our homes will collapse, electricity will be cut off, water supply will stop coming into the houses, and we will return to the stone age. In principle, we almost live in it.

5) The fifth subject that we will analyze is: Families.


How are things in Russian families? The situation is very, very bad. More than 80% of families fall apart, and the children become unhappy for the rest of their lives. I think this is caused in part by laws and propaganda, where they suggest on a subconscious level that it is profitable to divorce. Stupid and naive people follow the interests of the system and in the process, destroy the bonds of families. Although the creation of families is also just a habit from our relatives of the Soviet Union. Then the children of these broken families go on to have an unstable mind, harbor resentment and a sense of injustice, and instead of doing creative and useful things, they try to cope with all these feelings of guilt. Therefore, young people will often take drugs, or drive recklessly and get in car accidents, essentially ending their own lives by their own hand. All this is done according to the program of genocide of Russian society. We are slowly destroying ourselves, with the help of the state.

Well, that's all I have for now. I would like to tell you a lot more, but today 5 minuses about life in Russia will be enough. Everything I've told you is the absolute truth. I hope that you liked this article, and if so, please like and subscribe, share this article with your friends, and I would also love to hear your suggestions for other topics that I can tell you more about!

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Excellent well written article. I appreciate you sharing. I spent 4 months in Ukraine in 2018. I'm aware that culturally the countries are very similar. Heck Ukraine used to be soviet and from Kiev east most people speak Russian! Many in the west don't even know this. So even though I have never been to Russia I have a fairly good understanding of the culture. Especially when I spent two months in Odessa and dated a girl from Donesk...She told me how her parents were born in the soviet union, then they changed the borders and one day the whole family woke up and they were Ukranian! The girl I dated, she identified more with Ukrainian nationalism, but her parents always identified more with Russia. This situation is far more complex than people realize.

I'm glad your article is not about current events and more about people and I can see it's extremely similar to what I experienced in Ukraine whith out even having to cross over into Russia.

Is Borsch as popular in Russia as it is in Ukraine? I seriously got addicted to that stuff.

Further more. I'm a 100% American from New York State, buy my ancestry is a mix of Moscow, odessa, kiev, vilnious Lithuania, and Vienna Austria. So I guess I'm having a bit of an internal conflict myself these days! haha

Stay strong @blogika and keep on keep'n on!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wow, interesting story! Yes, everyone really loves borscht, and I make it almost every week. Would you like me to share my recipe in my next post? ahah. I understand you, I also consist of different genetic people. The blood of Chukchi, Tatar, Mari, and primordially Russian people flows in me. Therefore, I simply perceive myself as a person of the world of everything. I am part of our civilization, just as much a part as you, like any other. In vain people identify themselves by place of residence and skin color.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

By the way. @world-travel-pro is a great guy who travelled the world. You should follow him for sure. I know him already for years as many of people here. We are all like a big family here and you are @blogika now a part of it. ☺

Thank you for the kind words @clixmoney!

Yes, I would love to see @blogika's recipe for borscht! I actually used to be a personal chef for a family in New York for a short wile, until I said to myself this is not for me. But I do love to cook, if I can find the ingredients I may have to give it a try.

"I am part of our civilization, just as much a part as you, like any other. In vain people identify themselves by place of residence and skin color."

I feel very much the exact same way. These days there is so much anti-Russia rhetoric going on all over the world it has me a bit concerned for the innocent civilians of Russia like yourself. I hope those being inundated with anti Russia news/propaganda are able to see that 95% all people, regardless of where they are from, are just people like you and I! They are not their representative governments.

Thanks again for taking the time and hope you are having a excellent day!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you. This does not sound good. There are many problems in the world. What do you think Russia’s plan is for the Ukraine? Will it improve the lives of the Ukrainians also ?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I don't know. Out of politics. I am just a young girl, and it is not for me to decide the fate of entire states and peoples. Thanks for the comment!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

An excellent response for a clear provocation. ☺

I know what's the Zelensky's plan for Ukraine

'We will become a ‘big Israel’ with its own face. We will not be surprised if we have representatives of the Armed Forces or the National Guard in cinemas, supermarkets, and people with weapons'

  • Volodymyr Zelensky
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

People may even accept that because the hate will be more important for them than freedom. Controlled tyranny is a nice term for this.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hi @blogika Thank you for sharing the info. This is very interesting. Here in my country, Thailand there are a lot of similarities among people and culture. - @junglegirl