Hello people!
Identifiers are the names given identify variables, functions, array names, etc.
It consist of sequence of one or more letters along with underscore.
(Though I explained this in my pervious post)
Now let me tell you about the rules to be followed to frame an identifier :
•} The first character in the identifier should be a letter or underscore and then can be followed by any number of letters, numbers, digit, underscore.
•} No extra symbols are allowed other than letters, digits (0-9) or underscore.
•} The length of the identifier can be maximum of 31 characters.
•} Keywords are not allowed to use.
•} Identifier is case-sensitive. Meaning, [abc] and [ABC] are different identifiers and they refer to different objects.
Example :-
√ Valid identifier = _37a, _PPC5, NAME, sum1, etc.
× Invalid identifier = _& float, @26, int4, etc.