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I don't know about ctime, but I have zero respect for paid killers, it doesn't matter who they kill for.

Americans paid more and they will fight for Ukraine now?

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Also war was never a good way to stop American influence. If anyhing they always uses wars to strengthen influence. The world have at least one thing to learn from China.

I myslef will never go killing people in their own teritory though Israel does this sometimes by American order. But if wars rolls in to our teritory I will always come to defend. If all people will act the same there should be no wars. Sun tzu maybe is a war lord but people should listen to peace lords and not worship wars.

  ·  last year  ·  

I guess Putin was a fool to use them then, to kill Ukranian citizens. I guess Russians are tired of killing and getting killed for Putins personal aspirations and his "special operation".