RE: Citizen Open Thread - There is no such thing as a natural death

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Citizen Open Thread - There is no such thing as a natural death

in pub •  last year 

Having fools run anything, is like giving your car keys to a 2 year old and then expecting them to drive properly isn't it?

I'd prefer take my chances on me, running my things, thank you very much ! lol

Writing elsewhere, matey (self publishing, etc).

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  ·  last year  ·  

come on at least crosspost. there is very little good content here. by the way, don't lose hope, there's always a chance to get this place straight.

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  ·  last year  ·  

Agree. If I were he I would return because with the recent ongoing price dump he could almost guarantee an increase and claim it as being down to him. 🙂

He might not even be wrong, it's boring without someone holding the shithounds feet to the fire. 🙂

  ·  last year  ·  


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