RE: Cannabis CURES Cancer

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Cannabis CURES Cancer

in cannabis •  2 years ago 

I've seen dramatic results using homeopathy too many times to discount it as placebo. It doesn't always work, but when it does, it's astounding.
I thought they used homeopathy to mean any healing modality outside of allopathy.
One of the speakers mentioned that allopathy makes patients, not healthy people. 1 in 3 of us get cancer now!!! Is that not pretty damning of our current medical system?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's actually 1 in 2, as stated in Cannabis CURES Cancer. And no, that's not directly a reflection of the medical system, it's a reflection of our terrible personal choices nowadays. Cancer is mainly caused by poor diets, poor lifestyles, radiation exposure, etc. What reflects badly on the medical system is its inability to properly treat and cure those cancers - about 1 in 2 who get cancer, will die from it! We chop people up, we zap them with radiation, and we give them poisonous drugs. MediKatie went through that as a child and teen, she's crippled and has serious health issues every day of her life because of it, and may be dying right now (secondary cancer caused by the radiation). That said, the medical system is partly responsible for the cancer rate, because doctors don't promote healthy eating. As I was saying before, most don't even know that our diet has anything to do with our health! They literally just think food is merely about filling the belly! Insane.

"I thought they used homeopathy to mean any healing modality outside of allopathy."

Nobody uses that word the same, apparently. So when you say you see homeopathy healing people, I don't know what you mean. Like I said above, homeopathic dilution is quackery. If that's what you mean, we'll have to disagree. Like I said, if that's the case, feel free to educate me on it. "I've seen it so many times" means nothing, though. That's anecdotal and prone to emotional thinking. If it's real, it's demonstratable. If anecdotes are proof of anything, then we can bring someone out who says "I've seen allopathy work so many times, it's got to be legit"... and we're at an impasse. Anecdotes are just about pointless, and should be avoided by anyone seeking truth. If it's real, it can be measured. If watering something down until there's nothing of it left and using that as medicine works, the proof exists outside of people's personal beliefs.

But if you mean anything outside allopathy, sure. I'm obviously on board with that, as you just watched my Cannabis CURES Cancer video, and skimmed the 250 scientific studies I quoted that back it up. And you've seen MediKatie's recent Ivermectin cures cancer post. I worked in allopathy for 10 years, and I've researched all kinds of health topics for 15 years, and have dealt with a chronic medical condition for 7 years. I've seen it from various angles now. I'm clearly "homeopathic" if all you mean by that as accepting of non-allopathic models of health and wellness.

We must avoid false dichotomies. Perhaps there are 3 or more options? For example, allopathy, quackery, and another category. Not everything that is outside of allopathy is quackery, I think you agree. But that doesn't mean everything outside of allopathy is legitimate. For example, I can say standing on one foot and painting your fingernails purple cures HIV infections. But it doesn't, even though that's not allopathy. This discussion isn't black and white. The truth is often in the gray area.

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