
in rna •  3 years ago 

Mode-RNA, not Moderna. Goes back many years. Biden threatened America with nukes. You can watch the videos of what he said yesterday about blowing up cities like Chicago with bombs, Biden said it and we need to show people what Biden said so they can know before bad things happen that Biden literally said it.

Why are some people allergic to peanuts? Some people think they know the answer but they're totally wrong. You could be totally wrong. I would tell you the real answer but we are not allowed to talk about it on Facebook. Nobody is supposed to be allergic to peanuts and other things too.

Sadly, too many people think it is normal for some people to be allergic to peanuts. But it is NOT normal. Well, it may be more normal now but there is a reason why and how people started becoming allergic to peanuts especially in the 1900's as compared to previous centuries. If only we could help people understand that peanut allergies is a new phenomenon.

If only there was a way to help people see that such an allergy has not been around for thousands of years as some would assume. Answer is vaccines.

Biden was trending on Twitter because he was whispering.

Be ready for a land invasion in America in 2021.

18-year-old Isaiah Harris said he'd rather have c0ff1d than the heart-attack he suffered 48 hours after getting the Pee-Fie-Zer Fack-zine. He would rather have Covid than what he got after getting the Pfizer Covid-Vaccine which is killing people.

FBI behind Jan6 False Flag.

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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-06-25 - Friday | Published in June of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-06-25 17:34:56 Mode RNA.png

Mode-RNA, not Moderna. Goes back many years.

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Biden threatened America with nukes. You can watch the videos of what he said yesterday about blowing up cities like Chicago with bombs, Biden said it and we need to show people what Biden said so they can know before bad things happen that Biden literally said it.

9/11 was an inside job but it took many six or more years to figure that out. 1/6 was an inside job as well and so many people are figuring that out and it hasn't even been one year since Jan6 let alone six years which means things are accelerating, people are waking up faster and faster and more and more and that is good news.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

06:01 PM
As a human race, we are in a transitional period, the kind of future we want depends on what we do right now in the 2020s, we can enter into a golden age for a thousand years or we can be sucked into a thousand years of slavery, our destiny or fate depends on how we respond to the monsters who are in a hurry to take over our lives in every way possible as their time is short and they are running out of time, you have an opportunity to be on the right side of history, you have an opportunity to be in the history books for generations to come, these next few years are extremely pivotal for the entire world for better or for worse.

Covid Log

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Kids Getting Heart-Attacks
2021-06-25 - Friday - 11:27 AM - Covid Log - Gab

18-year-old Isaiah Harris said he'd rather have c0ff1d than the heart-attack he suffered 48 hours after getting the Pee-Fie-Zer Fack-zine. He would rather have Covid than what he got after getting the Pfizer Covid-Vaccine which is killing people.

They are warning the public they may have heart attacks and die in a plane due to, well, funny thing about this, ironically, is 80% of United Airlines pilots got C0-vv0d V0-cz1nes, but in the same breath, they warn that passengers who got it too are at a high risk of blood clots, etc. That is RICH IRONY.

4 British airline pilots died after getting the coke-in-a-nut, that article was published on the 18th of June of 2021 by a World Tribune staff. It mentions some stuff happening on Twitter the previous day as well.

2 Delta Airlines pilots now dead because, you know why.

One pilot had to be removed, they had to go in and extract his body, thankfully the airplane was still on the ground and wasn't up in the air yet.

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

I was teaching English in Vietnam

Can I share memes without giving credit?

2021-06-25 - Friday - 06:32 PM - Facebook Log - Facebook | Gab

As a meme maker myself, if I want credit, then I put my name in the meme. But regardless, I don't care if people credit me because I want the memes to make a difference in the world. But beyond that, if something isn't copyrighted, patented, trademarked, etc.... people can argue about all day and then there is Fair Use and Safe Harbor and a number of counter arguments people make to alleged copyright..... and I am actually against the theory and logic behind at least certain elements of copyright, etc..... and that is not even to mention the experimental attempt at trying to apply copyright to the Internet as that is different.... the general public is dumb-down to even understand that copyright predates the Internet..... and the very nature of how the Internet functions with how data moves around so much like water, with how the 4th amendment (which is privacy which is interconnected to copyright, etc) is violated in a series of ways..... with a wide variety of all these moving parts in Internet where data is often stolen without consent already by governments, corporations, NSA, different agencies, so many different computer servers...... it is a jungle..... and in conclusion, yeah, memes run around all day back and forth all over the place on top of that, and I love it.

Oatmeal Health

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Peanut Allergy is NOT Normal

2021-06-25 - Friday - 01:50 AM Health Log - Gab

Why are some people allergic to peanuts? Some people think they know the answer but they're totally wrong. You could be totally wrong. I would tell you the real answer but we are not allowed to talk about it on Facebook. Nobody is supposed to be allergic to peanuts and other things too.

Sadly, too many people think it is normal for some people to be allergic to peanuts. But it is NOT normal. Well, it may be more normal now but there is a reason why and how people started becoming allergic to peanuts especially in the 1900's as compared to previous centuries. If only we could help people understand that peanut allergies is a new phenomenon.

If only there was a way to help people see that such an allergy has not been around for thousands of years as some would assume. Answer is vaccines.

John McAfee Murdered

08:44 PM - Ecency

I am very sad globalists murdered patriot John McAfee who was preparing to leak a bunch of info on the globalists. I love your drawings as always.

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Too Hot To Handle 107

2021-06-25 - Friday - 12:00 AM - 12:44 AM - Too Hot To Handle 107

A test she passed. Girls only workshop. Looking at the yona with a mirror. Personal reflection. They draw it. Unicorn. Cat. Heart. Fire. Earth. Butterfly. Flowers as the black girl had a son. A girl is mad at Cory. People have relationship development deficits (RDD) as opposed to just OCD. 43K left meaning they lost over half.

2021-06-25 - Friday - 12:44 AM - 01:30 AM - Too Hot To Handle 108

Finale episode. You never know what Lana or God has in store said the black lady. Oh, see they are trying replace God with technocracy. Test passed, fund back up to 75K. Harry and Francisco. Chloe is sick. They split the money. Some got kicked off. Francisco is in Vancouver BC or Washington. I think BC Canada. Guy meets the son.

2021-06-25 - Friday - 01:30 AM - 02:12 AM - Too Hot To Handle 109

Reunion episode. Banter means sarcasm flirting in the UK. Sharron is not together with the black chick any longer. That is sad. Harry asks Francisco to marry him and she says yes.

First season of Too Hot To Handle will always be my fav partly due to the main star, Francisco, I just finished the first season a second ago. That love story with Harry. I was once in Vancouver BC and it was cool.

02:16 AM
First season of Too Hot To Handle will always be my fav partly due to the main star, Francisco, I just finished the first season a second ago. That love story with Harry. I was once in Vancouver BC and it was cool.

02:25 AM
You were one of my favorites, Chloe, in Too Hot To Handle.

02:27 AM
Enjoy seeing you in Too Hot, probably my favorite male character was you. Rhonda Paul and Sharron Townsend became one of the first people to couple up in season 1.

You, Rhonda Paul, were my favorite in Too Hot To Handle even over Francisco.

Ron Gibson


Biden was trending on Twitter because he was whispering.
Be ready for a land invasion in America in 2021.

18-year-old Isaiah Harris said he'd rather have c0ff1d than the heart-attack he suffered 48 hours after getting the Pee-Fie-Zer Fack-zine. He would rather have Covid than what he got after getting the Pfizer Covid-Vaccine which is killing people.

Edward Snowden said JULIAN ASSANGE is next on the hit-list of people globalists are to murder after KILLING John McAfee.

Other people are on the list too. Patriots around the world need to wake up before the globalists murder them too. We should not just let them murder people and worse through a variety of means.

They're doing all of this right in front of our face. Those who are awake must spread the word.

Michael Flynn said false flags are coming before August of 2021 in order to distract from what is happening with the audits. The plan is to try to frame patriots, make it look like conservative murdered a bunch of people at a church, a store, a mall, etc. We must be ready.

Ron Gibson


They stole the life of Britney Spears. That is very bad when they do things like that. Britney cannot even have a lawyer or have a baby.

Britney Spear's father put her under a CONSERVATORSHIP when she was 25 (back in 2008) meaning she cannot make basic life decisions.

If they can steal her rights and freedoms, then you are next and I am next. That is not good and we should stand up for the rights and freedoms that individuals should have. But they violated that and took that from her and from other people and you are next. We either stand up for each other or we fall apart separately and alone.

FBI behind Jan6 False Flag.

FBI agents are trying to start a CIVIL WAR and they were behind Jan6. Here is a video over a month before Jan6 of FBI going to a veteran's home to try to set him up.

When the enemies surrounded them, a general or some leader said during like the American Korean War in like the 1950s, he said thank God because now we can attack in any direction.

The summer of 2020 was on fire. It is happening again in 2021. You need to know that globalists are behind it.

12:54 PM
Biden threatened America with nukes. You can watch the videos of what he said yesterday about blowing up cities like Chicago with bombs, Biden said it and we need to show people what Biden said so they can know before bad things happen that Biden literally said it.

Ron Gibson


For how many years has M0dern0 been doing you know? Moderno Covid Vaccines is fishy when you research what they have been doing the last ten years or so.

Globalists are like cornered wild animals, we are winning but watch out as cornered animals are very dangerous as they have nothing to lose, they may move quickly, they may scratch and bite. Don't back down, stand your ground, be patient. Be calm and know what you're fighting for.

9/11 was an inside job but it took many six or more years to figure that out. 1/6 was an inside job as well and so many people are figuring that out and it hasn't even been one year since Jan6 let alone six years which means things are accelerating, people are waking up faster and faster and more and more and that is good news.

As a human race, we are in a transitional period, the kind of future we want depends on what we do right now in the 2020s, we can enter into a golden age for a thousand years or we can be sucked into a thousand years of slavery, our destiny or fate depends on how we respond to the monsters who are in a hurry to take over our lives in every way possible as their time is short and they are running out of time, you have an opportunity to be on the right side of history, you have an opportunity to be in the history books for generations to come, these next few years are extremely pivotal for the entire world for better or for worse.

Make-A-Wish-Foundation is racist because they refuse to grant wishes people who they dislike.

Something really bad is about to happen.
Globalists are personified in Health Ledger's Joker, patriots are not just Batman, conservatives must also lend the resources and the mind of a Bruce Wayne as a counter. Heroes can be framed to become the villain for a season but in the end, the truth came out that Batman was not the villain after all.

The prayers of the saints have ENLISTED YOU TOWARDS ACTION, deep inside your heart you can hear it and feel it, we are all connected.

Stop being on the defensive. Be on the offensive. Be offensive. We are on the winning side.
United Airlines says 80% of their pilots got Covid Vaccines and they bribe them with extra money.

They are warning the public they may have heart attacks and die in a plane due to, well, funny thing about this, ironically, is 80% of United Airlines pilots got C0-vv0d V0-cz1nes, but in the same breath, they warn that passengers who got it too are at a high risk of blood clots, etc. That is RICH IRONY.

4 British airline pilots died after getting the coke-in-a-nut, that article was published on the 18th of June of 2021 by a World Tribune staff. It mentions some stuff happening on Twitter the previous day as well.

2 Delta Airlines pilots now dead because, you know why.

One pilot had to be removed, they had to go in and extract his body, thankfully the airplane was still on the ground and wasn't up in the air yet.

Ron Gibson


Joe Biggs is in jail because Jan6.
I would be in jail right now. Because I was going to be there on Jan6.

In history, good people generally don't want to take out the trash and that is why monsters were able to rise up and make trouble in the neighborhood. Good people don't want to be leaders and that is why too many bad people end up taking over the world as seen again and again throughout history. Good people have to do what they have to do despite not wanting to. The very fact that you DO NOT WANT TO, but you must, it is your destiny.

2021-06-25 - Friday - 08:35 PM - Jan6 Log
Thousands of more good Americans are going to be arrested said U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland which includes me, they will arrest me and then they will arrest you and we will rot in prison together because of our crimes against Satan. Because we love freedom, we will be punished and locked up. Already, hundreds of INNOCENT CONSERVATIVES AND PATRIOTS were put in prisons, jails, holding-cells, in 2021 because of Jan6 which was an inside job just like 9/11. More inside jobs and false flags are coming very soon. More fake news is coming to spin things. It is our job to get ahead of it before they can lie about the next big false flag coming any day now. Before you know it, you'll hear more crazy stories which they'll blame on good people who did NOT do it. That is how they do things. They do very bad things and then tell the fake news to say Trump supporters did it when conservatives are the last people on earth who would even dream of doing such things. After lying about us, then they throw us in dungeons. If you let them continue to lie, then you deserve the Hell that is coming and a lot of it is already here. They want you to be silent. They want you distracted. They want you confused. They want you to not to care. And they really want you to do nothing.

Jan6 was NOT the first time violence happened in DC. Plus, over 99% of the people didn't do anything. The people who led the Jan6 attack were working for the FBI. But outside of that, Jan6 was not the first time people went inside the Capitol. But it is the first time that the federal government has ever targeted a group of people purely based on their political affiliation. Learn some history and you will see how crazy Jan6 was.

The real INSURRECTION is called the Democratic Party.
Today, arrest Trump Supporters. Tomorrow, arrest Biden Supporters. The next day, arrest Bernie Sanders Supporters and so on and so forth, this cycle happens in world history again and again for thousands of years, we have all seen this. We all know this. They ARE ARRESTING CONSERVATIVES right now. Next, they'll arrest people who believe in 2 genders. After that, they'll arrest anybody who believes that there is such a thing as a female mother and a male father. Today, arrest Christians. Tomorrow, arrest Jews. Day after that, arrest atheists who refuse to worship the Devil, and the list goes on and on. YOU CANNOT RUN AWAY. You should not ignore this. It does NOT matter who you are, they will come after you eventually and that is why you ARE READING THIS RIGHT NOW, YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS.

Blue Pill. Red Pill. Black Pill. Clown Pill. Alex Jones Pill. Jesus Pill.
Big Pharma uses this symbol, a satanic logo of 2 snakes around a staff, wings. The goat man has that same symbol as he eats children.

John McAfee sold government software which had a backdoor so he could spy on the government and collect dirt on them.

Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching

Too Hot To Handle 107

2021-06-25 - Friday - 12:00 AM - 12:44 AM - Too Hot To Handle 107
2021-06-25 - Friday - 12:44 AM - 01:30 AM - Too Hot To Handle 108
2021-06-25 - Friday - 01:30 AM - 02:12 AM - Too Hot To Handle 109

Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson


2021-06-25 - Friday - 05:30 AM - Some days or longer. Went to bed.Dear diary, got up at 10:30 AM. 2 watering cans for tomatoes, the base, plus a blue bucket and lid of water for the grass compost. Weird dream. Breakfast. Picking cherries from noon to 04:30 PM. Dishes. Lunch at 05:34 PM. The annual cherry picking. A small cherry tree too this time around. Weeding all over too off and on. History of music would be great to write about. High in the cherry tree today, 2 ladders. Tomato watering, made wall for big plant thing near it, hanging clothes taken to the dryer, helped with new jars in a box from Walmart in a box, empty box to book shed, all of this around 7:30 PM to 8 PM. War room after that towards 10 and while watching, I was going through my collection of photo negatives I collected relating to our family albums from the 1900s and 2000s. I was organizing them till 01:19 AM Saturday. Will continue this in a few hours maybe.

Food log
Breakfast: coffee, orange, 11:08 AM. Soup stuff around noon.
Lunch: soup, 05:34 PM.
Dinner: chicken carrot casserole thing, 08:03 PM.

2021-06-25 - Friday - 10:30 AM - Dream Log

Was trying to get installation to add to the walls of a room or rooms in a house. First was thinking of going to a house, possibly my original home in Oregon, the trailer I grew up in, or possibly look in the attic of where I was, to get installation to add to probably the house I am at now or who knows. But I was thinking and looking around and not sure if anything else happened besides just thinking and looking around for the supplies I needed.

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