My Indian Rituals

in rituals •  2 years ago 

Every time I travel to Mumbai there are few things that I must do on the very first 2 to 3 days. One of them is making a visit to my Fire Temple. It's a place where we go for worship just like a Church or any other Temple. It's called Fire Temple because we Zoroastrians do not worship on any God idol in our Temples. We worship God through Fire, and we do have a Prophet, who is known as Zoroastrians. Our community is very small, worldwide our population is just around 100K, people make jokes on us that very soon we will go extinct and we may be seen only in museums....hehehe.

In Muscat there are no Fire Temples and this is one part that I miss terribly because I love to go there and get soaked into the energies of the place. In our Fire Temple there is a consecrated Fire that keeps burning all through out. It never goes off. The priest keeps doing the prayers and adding wood to keep the fire burning. The energy is very high in the place and so peaceful and calm I feel when I am in there. There is complete silence.

This is one of my favorites, as it is in the city and still feels like completely cut off from the city.

It's a very old heritage structure and it's retained in that manner. This is one of the oldest that we have.

The entrance of the place. I always switch off my phone when I am in the Fire Temple, it is a holy place and it is good to not have any distractions. Our Head priests funnily says "When you enter the Fire Temple it may be possible that you hear ‘the call of God’. However, it is unlikely that He will call you on your mobile phone,".....hahahaha. So true right. There is a sign outside all our Fire Temples to not use the phone inside. It can be a disturbance for other people, the place is very quiet and one needs to maintain the sanctity of the place.


This is how the Fire keeps burning inside. This picture is not of the same Temple. This one I had clicked in Iran, not exactly in a Fire Temple but in a small place where the fire was burning.

The outside environment of this place gives a very village type feeling. There are hens and goats all around in the place.

As I went near this one came to greet me

And then there were so many other who came running out

I spent my whole morning in this place. Felt so blissful soaking up in the divine energies of the place.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

it is very beautiful. thanks for sharing

I love this place. Thank you

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wow, facinating to learn about your unique culture and heritage. May the fire keep burning for eternity ❤️🔥

Thank you @amirl