Rising Star Account Progress: I Bought A Legendary Card!

in risingstargame •  14 days ago 

image created with Night Cafe Studio and Canva

Hello Rising Star Musicians! It's been a long time since I posted about the game. I've been writing a lot about other games like #splinterlands and #moonkarts that this was kept on the back burner. Nevertheless, I still play from time to time and increase my stats.

Previous Stats

Fans - 42,895
Luck - 2,345
Skill - 75,444
IM - 969
Cards - 380
Ego - 70,323
Level - 189

I last updated last year around December and above were my stats at that time. I haven't played the game as much as I'd like to so my stats were not upgraded much after two months. However, I bought and sold some cards having in mind to take care of my Ego stats vs my Skill stats. So I sold most of my vehicle cards, common and rare cards that have low skill vs fans ratio. My cards now are mostly composed of epics and today I bought a legendary!

Meet my Legendary Card

A lot of players already have legendary cards but not me so forgive me for being excited with my only one 😅

Dirty Puddle has great stats as expected of a legendary card boasting of 10K fans, 10K skill, 300 luck and 300 IM. I feel the 1.5m Starbits I spent was justified. My stats now are as follows:

Current Stats

Fans - 42,438
Luck - 2,555
Skill - 84,924
IM - 953
Cards - 221
Ego - 73,471
Level - 193

My fans decreased by a little as my cards were reduced to 221 from 380. All other stats are close from my last update but the Skill stat was up by 9K showing my improvement in that area. Thus my skill vs ego ratio has significantly improved. Going forward, I'll be buying epic and legendary cards.

That's it for today and see you in the next update!

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