Rising Star - Back to doing Starbits Millionaire mission again

in risingstar •  2 years ago 

After the recent change in the game where they introduced a minimum fan requirement for the Starbits Millionaire mission, I did not get the opportunity to do the mission after that. My Fans found was very less. Today I noticed that my fans were over 41,000 and I was also eligible to do the mission. The reason was that I purchased a shit load of cards a few days back.

I noticed the price of Starbits was very low and the cost of some of the cards was also pretty decent in the market. I thought this can be a good time to accumulate some cards from the market. My focus was to get a unique collection of cards. This is what I always do when it comes to buying from the market. I usually pick cards that I don't have in my collection and purchase those cards. This time again I started with that.

I noticed that there were a few cards pretty cheap in the market and was also available in bulk. I thought this can be a good opportunity to grab them and buy those cards. I think any rare card that is below 10,000 Starbits is a decent buy. At least that's what I always think while purchasing. The main reason is that most of those cards are good loot as the cost of a pack itself is 10k and if we are getting a rare card for less than 10k, it is a good buy. We should be very lucky if we get some rare cards for even less than 5k.


I initially thought purchasing packs and opening it is the best thing to do but later I realized that purchasing the cards directly from the market can be far cheaper and we also get the option to choose which card we want and buy those cards alone. Also sometimes opening a pack can be a loss where the value of the cards we get may not even be close to 10k Starbits.

After purchasing a decent number of cards last week, I noticed that it not only increased my stats a little bit but also increased my fan count and gives me an opportunity to do the Starbits Millionaire mission. I did not notice this till today morning, otherwise, I would have done a few missions in the last few days too. But all for good and I don't think I would be able to progress faster as the number of fan requirements would keep increasing as I keep doing the mission. Looks like I have to purchase more fan cards from the market to increase my fan count.

After all these recent updates I think the cards with more skills have become cheaper in the market. Now that we can get some cheap skills, maybe it is good to do missions that give us more eco. Ever since I reached 30k fans, the ego I get from the missions has considerably increased and looks like I have to add more effort to keep the skills and ego in balance.

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