Shackled minds - End of social contract

in revolution •  2 years ago 

The last time I wrote about this on steemit, hive and any other sites.

I called it "levels of resentment"........

The WEF (world economic forum) from hereon in WEF, via an interview with Klaus Schwab have infiltrated many governments, his words not mine. There is a video on youtube about this and as I treat my audience with respect and intelligence, I expect you to be capable of finding it.

Via the now named young global leaders program they use, they have infiltrated Canada, New Zealand, Germany, Russia and many other countries.
Again his words not mine.
Putin was one such product.
Now if you will please watch the Neil Oliver video above for context as I agree wholeheartedly with him.

If we look back over history, many a regime has fallen due to overconfidence and arrogance, I expect no different soon.
200 or so billionaires and alleged world leaders that all make nothing by themselves, invent nothing and respect money backed by nothing more than they do real people think they can rule the world via Davos/WEF.

I have seen the plans, seen the trap via smart phone, tracking, facial recognition et al.
But it only takes 10% of the population to say no, not playing along, and the best laid plans fail.

I would offer the thought, we are well past 10%.....

These people at the WEF are paranoid. I watched a video of one of their meetings a few years ago when the speaker was saying "the pitchforks are coming for us"....

They are so paranoid they have bunkers underground, many in New Zealand apparently.
You only have to watch rebel news covering Davos to see how paranoid these people are. There are police checkpoints on every road 1 mile or more from Davos, but since when did the police work for the WEF?
They have mercenary snipers too.
The police in and around the Davos compound wear WEF badges, but are funded via tax, they have to buy them. $8 each one policeman stated at a checkpoint.
My point remains, these people are paranoid and trapped in a world of delusion, terrified of "US" as they never do the things we do.
They never go to a supermarket, get on a commercial flight, eat in a cafe, they are surrounded by bodyguards, fenced of from the world, they have no sense of the real world, work, inventing or fun.

Look to Rome to see an empire fall due to arrogance, look to France to note a revolution not so long ago.
When enough people say no, not playing this game anymore, not taxing people by theft by donning a uniform in blue named police, not putting my children's future in the hands of a few hundred paranoid people at the WEF and or WHO. Then boom, it implodes, as I fully expect to happen soon.

It only takes people to realise money backed by nothing is worth nothing, the governments have no power, the police can only police by consent, and when that consent is gone, they cannot.

When we hit critical mass and people wake up to the above, the gig is up, not only for Davos, but politics too.

On a different note.

Has anyone got 200,000 blurt to sell for cash to save me having to buy BTC at coinbase, then send to ionomy to convert then send here? As it takes hours, and that is not time I have.

I do not want to use the BTC on my nano s ledger as I promised that to my daughters, half each when I depart this mortal coil. A promise is just that, my word is my bond.

On a slightly different note, the photo below was from the Irish bar yesterday, the young boy on the bench literally had his tongue out staring at the beautiful waitress in her pleated short skirt with stockings on too, she was a true beauty - but drooling really? Yes he was, and his mother was oblivious lol.

Have a superb week and make it the best you can, I will put up the rest of the photos from yesterday later today, and make it a Monday is fun-day as I did not have time yesterday, with prizes of course.

Any spelling errors stand till the PM, no time to edit now.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

200000 Blurt ? ,.. are you gonna place a node and become a witness to ?

I mean , i will vote for that ,.. and it will make my dark view on the Blurt future a bit brighter . ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

200k yes, you heard that correct, the witness part could be possible, but not just yet as I am super busy brother.

Hahaha. That boy reminds me of myself about 30 years ago. lol

Now, who's got the liquid blurt for this @ajerkoff?

And how dare you not realize that the true victims in society are the billionaires. It's a crying shame they have to share the planet with the rest of us. World is an upside down place, but fortunately more and more of us can see through the bullshit. Great post looking forward to the next.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Cheers brother, it is wake up world time, the sleepy need a nudge.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Neil is one of the best videographers out there. His vid about Orwell as a handbook for the elites is great.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh shit, I found another good guy on there in Mark Steyn,

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

He's ok sometimes

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

He is stern but funny at the same time, and the only person I watch on GB news as the rest are sell outs. Cheers brother.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Unfortunately I don't have Blurt available to sell you.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hoping someone comes along that has it liquid, fingers crossed.

They are so paranoid they have bunkers underground

One can see the fear they hold here in the U.S. as they censor so much now and their many anti terror bills are aimed at those who speak against their corruption and lies. During the Clinton regime they introduced the idea that those who believe in the constitution were a high threat to be a domestic terrorist. Naturally anyone who wants to have rights and to not be enslaved strikes terror in their slavemasters heart.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I go to fakebook to verbally abuse UK police like I did today, they were proudly showing off arresting 3 people for having a little bit of cannabis, I get loads of likes, but hey, I am now considered a threat in the UK lol, but I never consented to be policed, so they can suck my balls :-)

Not been in the mood to be a victim all my life, not ready to start now.

but I never consented to be policed, so they can suck my balls :-)

It's one of those strange things. The concept of being forced/coerced by the government is rarely acknowledged by any who are responsible for our formative years. It kind of hangs there unspoken. I remember my first tacit example of this in school was the Vietnam war and the draft. I read of men crossing the border to Canada to escape being forced to go. Of course, the men of my youth would call them cowards and such.

But then the more I read on that aggression, I slowly developed a sympathy for those men. We had no business there, we obviously weren't there with any real objective of use for the average citizen. One man I knew as a kid had been in special forces there, and he was extremely bitter and traumatized by his time there. He would tell me things like they had so many soldiers there they could have lined up two deep from one end of the country to the other and marched through and killed every single person.

Yet, we lost. But the corrupt assholes who farm us made out like bandits. I'd guess it wasn't until my thirties when I began seeing the amplification of white man bad narrative that it began dawning on me that those who pillage a people need mostly worry about the men who have balls, which is a hereditary trait. As well as passed on by example from one strong man to his sons.

So what better way to be proactive in eliminating these threats than to send them to die on foreign soil. And of course to reward women for kicking the dads to the curb and rewarding them with the mans possessions and forcing him to be an indentured servant throughout the shared childrens lives. All the while limiting his interaction with his own children. Limiting the examples he can give, other than as a neutered by the state male who is a second class citizen.

Yep, this bizarre social agreement was indeed foisted upon us without consent.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This gent is bang on point.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That comment is worthy of an article in and of itself, superb, cheers.