Games for Windows (February 2008)

in retrogaming •  2 years ago 

Games for Windows is the result of Microsoft buying Computer Gaming World. Fortunately, the content did not actually change much with the change in ownership because CGW was an excellent magazine. However, magazines were dying at this point and Games for Windows did not last long.

I generally consider 10 years to be the cutoff for calling something retro but this is by no means a strict rule. Some people say games that are two game system generations or older fit the criteria for retro however this is harder to pin down with computer games. Contents include:

Cover Story

  • Demigod - Chris Taylor's Powered Games breaks several rules while working on its new fantasy action-RTS title. Can the team create a hardcore game for the non-hardcore crowd and pull it off without a publisher's support?


  • Editorial - Jeff takes the remarkably brave and controversial position that free games are good. Way to take a stand, chief!
  • Letters - You've got letters. We've got snarky responses.
  • Start - This month's Start section brings Delay of Game, a case study on a variety of famously delayed or canceled games. Also: A sneak peak at the next Tomb Raider game, and an examination of Sim-City: Societies' ecological agenda.
  • Free Games - Great PC gaming doesn't have to break the bank. Our resident mooches found 52 great freebies. Play one a week until 2009 - or just blow 'em all at once in a gratis gaming binge.
  • Reviews - Unreal Tournament 3 and Tabula Rasa are both released from their centuries-long growth chambers, and we've got the final verdicts. If that ain't your thing, kick back with the colorful critters in Viva Piñata or witness the terrifying spectacle that is BlackSite: Area 51
  • Tech - Nothing screams "sexy" like this month, we look at the big brains behind your games. We run AMD's Phenom processors through the paces and kick the tires on Intel's next powerhouse.
  • Greenspeak - One man speaks out against console ports. The world gasps.

Game Index

  • Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures
  • Alone in the Dark
  • Auto Assault
  • Battlecruiser 3000AD
  • Beowulf
  • BlackSite: Area 51
  • Bullet Candy
  • Daikatana
  • Demigod
  • Empires in Arms
  • EverQuest II: Rise of Kunark
  • Final Fantasy XI: Wings of the Goddess
  • Gears of War
  • Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising
  • Huxley
  • Imperator
  • Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
  • The Lord of the Rings Online
  • Napoleon's Campaigns
  • Neon Wars
  • Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of Illuminus
  • Prey
  • Rise & Fall: Civilizations at War
  • Savage 2: A Tortured Soul
  • SimCity: Societies
  • SiN Episodes
  • Soldier of Fortune: Payback
  • Tabula Rasa
  • Team Fortress 2
  • Tomb Raider: Underworld

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