Digital Archaeology: Codex (Floppy Disk) #8 (part 18)

in retrocomputing •  2 years ago 

It's been a while but here's another post in this long running series. :)

A summary for those that haven't been keeping up with this series:

I found a bunch of 5.25" disks at a thrift store a number of years ago. I finally got around to acquiring a 5.25" disk drive and extracting the contents a while back. Since then I have been posting the contents here.

Based on the contents, at least some of these disks were apparently once owned by someone named Connie A. Buys who used to run the “Close Encounters” Special Interest Group (SIG) on Delphi in the mid 1980s.

A specific definition of this SIG was found in a previous document on one of the disks: “This SIG, known as “Close Encounters”, is a forum for the discussion of relationships that develop via computer services like the Source, CompuServe, and Delphi. Our primary emphasis is on the sexual aspects of those relationships.”

Everything was text based from whatever terminal program you used to dial in to Delphi’s servers. Many of these disks have forum messages, e-mails and chat session logs. All of this is pre-internet stuff and I don’t know if there are any archives in existence today of what was on Delphi in the 1980s. In any case, much of this stuff would have been private at the time and some of it is quite personal.

I've been splitting up the contents of this disk (descriptively labeled “File Disk”) since it contains a number of documents, some of which are pretty long. A 5.25" floppy disk can still hold an impressive amount of info when it is just text. (see the previous parts here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17).

This post contains a chat log from the Close Encounters Sig Conference on October 12th, 1985. The subject was nominally adult magazines.


Close Encoutners Sig Conference of October 12, 1985 - 

Connie just joined CLE-SEX MAGS & WHY READ THEM (3 members now)*
**[Tiggy just joined CLE-SEX MAGS & WHY READ THEM (4 members now) **
**[Ellen just joined CLE-SEX MAGS & WHY READ THEM (5 members now) **
** JOEY just joined CLE - CENTERFOLD (6 members now) **

  1. .Myself] the person who suggested this weeks topic

  2. .Marti] John..

  3. .Myself] isn't even going to be here tonight

  4. .Myself] can u believe that?

  5. .[Tiggy] who suggested it My??

  6. .Connie] who suggested it, John?

  7. .[Tiggy] Marc??

  8. ** Dick just joined CLE - CENTERFOLD (7 members now) **

  9. .Myself] E

  10. .Myself] hi dick

  11. .[Tiggy] er tropical?

  12. JOEY] Hi Dick.

  13. .[Tiggy] Hi Dick!

  14. .Dick] hi all.
    JOEY] She took her hubby out for his birthday, John.
    .[Tiggy] true my
    .[Tiggy] imold enough (hiding diaper pins)
    .Connie] I have a whole list of questions from RODM about the
    conference topic tonight since he could not be here.
    .[Tiggy] connie--* wore him out HUH?
    .[Ellen] Well thanks to WHOEVER started it I have a clean closet
    .Myself] yes tiggy, I am sure u r.
    .[Tiggy] ellen-* hehehehe so does Mark!!
    .Connie] [right, Tiggy, right - acutally I'm the one who's worn out!]
    .[Ellen] (and I'm 25 cents richer)
    .Myself] ellen, that should just abt pay this weeks dues in the
    Myself fan club
    .[Ellen] hahahaha you THAT cheap????
    .Myself] of which you are a charter member
    .[Ellen] awhhh thanks :::blushing:::
    .Myself] [reaching out to claim quarter]
    .Connie] [gee I thought I was the charter member of that a long
    time ago!][grin]
    .[Tiggy] just drop it in the bed ellenk
    .[Ellen] You mean [[I]] am YOUR fan or YOU are [[MINE]] ? [:grin:]
    .Myself] now to the topic
    .Myself] Liz suggested we ask why men [and some women maybe]
    .Myself] buy these various magazines.
    JOEY] Maybe?
    .[Tiggy] lots of women actually
    .Myself] Yes, I am sure that it is for the good journalism and the
    fine art - right?
    .Dick] brb
    .[Ellen] Great pictures! I use them sometimes in my artwork
    .[Tiggy] WE know ellen!
    .[Ellen] and LOVE the stories
    .[Tiggy] sure ellen sure
    .[Tiggy] =* tee hee *=
    .[Ellen] I do buy both mags
    .[Ellen] but then I buy New Yorker too [:grin:]
    .Dick] returned
    .Myself] actually there are a number of such publications ranging
    from Penthouse to the really porn stuff
    .[Tiggy] never heard of New Yorker Ellen
    .Myself] lets leave out the garbage though
    .[Ellen] oops gotta go help a new sysop see ya!
    .[Ellen] - signed off -

** IDEL just joined CLE - CENTERFOLD (7 members now) **

.Marti] Hi Idel!!!
.[Tiggy] idel Idel!
.greg] Hi Marti!
JOEY] Hi Idel.,
.greg] Hi Tigg! Joey!
.greg] been a long time since I've seen some of yu folks...and it's
good to see you!
.Myself] wlcm bck greg - u were missed.
.Marti] Good to see you greg!!!
.Myself] now as I was saying -
.greg] really? so who was the lousy shot, John...? [grins]
.greg] ga
.Myself] first - why do folks buy these mags - besides the high
quality reporting, and good stories [huh!]
.Myself] ga joey
JOEY] I like the pictures.
JOEY] ga
.Marti] [yuck]
.Myself] right, and don't 4 get the pretty colors too
.Myself] what yuck marti?
.[Tiggy] and the scratch and sniff now too!
.Marti] ??
.Myself] ga marti
JOEY] I always tell the truth.
.Marti] Well I don't buy them because...
.Myself] [scr & sniff - hmmmm]
.Marti] I'm too embarassed to buy Playgirl...
.Marti] and the others don't turn me on except for the few times..
.Marti] there is a man involved...
.Marti] a lady with her legs spread is not exactly a turn on for
.Marti] nothing good looking about female genitals!! GA
.greg] !
.Myself] guess it depends on your point of view - actually there must
be something good (looking or otherwise) since nearly every
normal male keeps trying to get inside them.
.Myself] ga greg
.Marti] [smile]
.greg] I bought them when I was younger...[big surprise, right?]
.Myself] not really greg
.greg] late teens and 20s. As I got older, I stopped...
.Myself] I buy them off n on
.greg] [that was a joke, you know why I'm not a
.Myself] right !!! humor !! haha
.greg] only realize why now, since didn't really give it much thought
.greg] Tho the women in the mags may be lovely, their sexuality is
presented in a way that is often...
.greg] harsh...something is lacking...sense of warmth,
.Marti] [good point greg]
.Marti] ?
.Myself] ga marti
.Marti] I remember babysitting...eons ago...
.Marti] and found a Playboy mag in the rack...
.Marti] and was schocked to see a picture of a lady's bare breasts...
.Marti] Now you see everything on TV...
.[Tiggy] why did you loook then Marti?
.Marti] you don't really need the mags to get turned on..
.Myself] actually bare breasts aren't such a shock

** GASMAN2 just joined CLE - CENTERFOLD (8 members now) **

.Marti] was fun too look..
.[Tiggy] Hi John
.Marti] They were 25 years ago, Johnmn...
.[Tiggy] fun? oh ok..
.Myself] properly presented such pictures can have a very good effect
.Marti] anyway....I love erotic pictures of men and women making
.John] 'evening all.
.Marti] but greg is right...a lot of the stuff is...
.Myself] true, but I was not (fortunately) raised under that way of
.Marti] just pretty ladies posing warmth. GA
.Myself] agreed on the presentation'
.Myself] [joey in a sec]
.greg] !
.[Tiggy] - signed off -
.Myself] [greg aft joey aft me]
.Myself] It seems that the general idea back then was to provide a
sort of shock value
.Myself] and keep it going - mainly because of the old taboos many
grew up with
.Myself] of course it has ceased to shock most folks
.Myself] ga joey
JOEY] Well, I only subscribe to one so called mens' magazine.....
JOEY] And that is Playboy. Because they don't go in for the cheap....
JOEY] "pink" shots. I agree with Marti on that point. I don't see....
JOEY] anything sexy about a woman with her legs spread wide
.Myself] right on one point, but I don't think that what they did
with the miss america pics was a good score for them
.Myself] ga greg
.Myself] [a really cheap shot of a diff kind]
.greg] when I look at the shots in some of the newer mags, I get the
feeling that the photographers, deep down, may not like women
very much...
.greg] but marti's point is well taken, and john's, too...
.greg] we're less the buttoned-down society than we were when Playboy
first hit the racks...
.greg] the shock value is pretty much gone mystery left,
.greg] ga

** [[Ellen] just joined CLE - CENTERFOLD (8 members now) **

.[[Ellen]] hi
JOEY] rehi
.Marti] Welcome back E
.Connie] [welcome back, Ellen]
.Marti] [getting warm in here]
.Myself] [greg - really what]
.[[Ellen]] So what's been decided??? Only we WARPPED people buy those
nasty magazines? [:grin:]
.Myself] right
.greg] ga
.Myself] ok, so much for the pics - some of which are well done, and
.[[Ellen]] Oh I MISSED the PICTURES??????
.Myself] leave much to be desired. so what other reason is there to
.John] If you will excuse me , I will take exception to that piont.
.Myself] ga john
.John] ga?
.[[Ellen]] ga=go
.Myself] ga == go ahead = otherwise
.Myself] your on!
.[[Ellen]] me next!
.Myself] [ok ellen aft john]
.greg] - signed off -
.Myself] gregs node is shutting down
.John] oh my goodness! a captive audience!!! Just wanted to say that
all who buy such mags are not "kooks".
.Myself] [we realize that]
.Myself] ellen ga
.Dick] - signed off -
.[[Ellen]] ok
.[[Ellen]] I don't have any idea what has BEEN said..
.[[Ellen]] But (even tho I AM a bit of a kook) I do buy and read and
enjoy them...
.[[Ellen]] but...
.John] - signed off -
.[[Ellen]] (hmmm is it my perfume?)...
JOEY] yes.
.Myself] no - the system -
.Marti] [you smell good Ellen]
.[[Ellen]] what I was going to say is I really DON'T like...
.Myself] either the networks or some interconnecting node.
.[[Ellen]] is the GYN interested in knowing if the guys
really do?
.Myself] [me]
.Marti] GYN?
.Myself] actually, I think the booze ought to be left out -
.[[Ellen]] The ones that look like they're on an Obstriticians table
Marti [:grin:]
.Marti] I agree Ellen...already mentioned that.
JOEY] I don't ellen.
.Myself] I recall one picture rather well enough done, she was all
wet and glistening in the warm sun
.Myself] and there nearby was the bottle, suggesting that she was
covered with the stuff
.[[Ellen]] Well John Obviously YOU were able to put yourself IN thu
picture (mentally)...
.Myself] actually, not really
.Myself] the booze was a real turn off
.[[Ellen]] I think the ones a little less descriptive are MUCH sexier
.[[Ellen]] ^^^MY opinion
.Myself] and the wide angle shots () don't do all that much for me
.Myself] must be getting old
.[[Ellen]] No smart
.[[Ellen]] and a little more selective [:grin:]
.Marti] ?
.Myself] I used to read the letters too - but there were a number of
things that cured me there.
.Myself] ga marti
.Marti] Do men actually find women's genitals beautiful to look
.Marti] I know they want to get into them but...
.Marti] do they actually like to look at them?...
.[[Ellen]] some are
.Marti] just wondering GA
.Myself] I do, but only in the context of the whole body..
.[[Ellen]] depends on WHO it's attatched to [:grin:]
.Myself] all by themselves - yuk
.Marti] [thot so, Myself]
JOEY] !!
.Myself] no ellen, no letters abt me or even by me
.Myself] ga joey
.[[Ellen]] hahha
JOEY] I was going to say the same thing Ellen did....
.Myself] [will get back to that if any interest]
.Myself] namely?
JOEY] it depends on the person attached to.
.Myself] right...
JOEY] never John.
.Myself] huh??
.[[Ellen]] You gotta love the whole person for it to be beautiful
.Marti] never?
JOEY] If it is a person you care greatly about. then they will be
.Myself] exactly
JOEY] ga
.[[Ellen]] bingo
.Marti] [Thanks]
.Myself] anyway...
.[[Ellen]] :::thinking:::
.[[Ellen]] ?
.Myself] I got tired of reading all about how these two or three or
more got together and invariably started out withdope, or
booze or something.
.Myself] i mean, I can get high enough on my own, and those other
things simply kill the best part of the experience
.Myself] but anesthetising your sensory system or worse.
JOEY] - signed off -
.Myself] then there was one letter I read three times.
.Myself] no it wasn't that good.
.Myself] it just appeared as a new letter in three magazines over the
space of several years.
.[[Ellen]] Must have been impressive tho if you remembered it
.Myself] which only shows that at least some are outright
.Myself] true. if only for the basic recurrent theme
.[[Ellen]] SOME?????? Most would be closer...but I enjoy them as
.Myself] you always get fucked no nmatter what you do.
.Myself] basic story line in brief...
.Myself] man sets out to seek the great meaning of life

** JOEY just joined CLE - CENTERFOLD (5 members now) **

JOEY] Whew!
.Connie] [welcome back, Joey]
.Myself] along the way he takes up with three women
.Marti] Hug, Joey
.Myself] whose husbands are away
.Myself] they have a good time but he strikes out on his quest
.Myself] eventually he takes up with the great hermit he was seeking
only to find out that he is a dirty old man who likes to
give it to guys
JOEY] [yuk]
.[[Ellen]] wunnerful
.[[Ellen]] Glad I missed that one
.Myself] dis-illusioned, he returns to the women with whom he
realized he had had such a great time only to find that
their husbands had rteturned and killed them for their
.Myself] and now they like to give it to males.
.Myself] and the rest is 'his'tory.
JOEY] [double yuk]
.[[Ellen]] Oh that's a thrilling story John (urk)
JOEY] Is there a full moon tonight?
.Myself] well, that is the only reason I recognized it several years
.Myself] after reading it the first time.
.[[Ellen]] Well on that note I'm goin back to work bye yawl!
xXkissesXx ((hugs)) fuzzies
.Myself] night ellen
JOEY] Nite, Ellen.
.[[Ellen]] enjoyed!
.[[Ellen]] - signed off -

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