Commodore World, Issue 8

in retrocomputing •  2 years ago 

Commodore World was a publication started by Creative Micro Devices (CMD) after the last major Commodore related magazine ceased publication in 1994. It continued bi-monthly until 1999 when it merged with GO64!

Issue Number 8 includes:


  • Special Report: Commodore Assets Sold! - Commodore is finally laid to rest as Escom gets the rights.
  • Commodore World's Guide To RAM Expansion - What can RAM expansion do for you?
  • What You Should Know About GEOS & RAM Expansion - All of the current crop of RAM Expanders work with GEOS. Find out how!


  • Software: Lottoman & Lottoman II - Will this suite of programs make you a winner?
  • Accessories: Leroy's Cheatsheets - Improve your ability to locate common commands quickly.
  • Bookware: Ram DOS 128 Case Study - If it's technical insight you're after, here's one just for you.
  • Games: Miniviews - Heavenbound, Arkanoid II, The President is Missing, & Who Frame Roger Rabbit?
  • Hardware: Action-Replay - An all-around cartridge for game-players and programmers alike.


  • Just For Starters - Try some very simple BASIC programming.
  • Foreign Exchange - Will the next war be over computing issues?
  • Graphic Interpretation - Find out what's the latest goings-on in GEOSdom.
  • geoProgrammist - Adding more capabilities to our own dialog boxes.
  • BASIC Instincts - Part 2 of a series on writing BASIC input subroutines.
  • Hard Tips: RAMLink Modifications - Direct access to an REU in RAMLink while using a SwiftLink.
  • Peripheral Vision - Part 1 of a series on Relative file programming.
  • Carrier Detect - Learn how to navigate on the World Wide Web.
  • Over The Edge - Lists can be fun if you don't mind being categorized now and then.


  • From The Editor
  • Backtalk
  • Commodore Trivia
  • On The Horizon
  • The Connection
  • User Group Connection
  • Top Tips
  • Classified Ads
  • Advertisers' Index

...and more!

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