Commodore Power/Play (December 1984/January 1985)

in retrocomputing •  2 years ago 

Commodore Power/Play was Commodore's more entertainment oriented magazine back when they published more than one. It mostly covered the Commodore 64 and VIC-20. The December 1984 issue includes:


  • Letters
  • Butterfield
  • Joystick Lunatic
  • News From The Front
  • Game Reviews
    • Summer Games
    • Wizard
    • In the Chips
    • Beyond Castle Wolfenstein
    • Congo Bongo
  • Software Reviews
    • Astro-Talk
    • Model Diet
  • Jiffies
    • VIC 20 Christmas
    • Renaming Diskettes on the 1541
    • Sound Effects Library
    • Sound Off
  • Kids' Corner
    • Cypherighter/Decypherighter
    • Merlyn for the Commodore 64
  • No More Pencils
    • Using Joysticks in LOGO
  • Tele/Scope
    • Playnet: A True Story
  • Computer Tutor
    • Musical Sprites for the Commodore 64
  • Game Programs
    • Blackjack
  • Glitch Fix
    • "Appointment Calendar" Program Listing


  • Christmas Buyers Guide
    • Games For The Commodore 64 - Build your library from this list of almost 300 games
    • Pick Of The Sticks - A look at seven joysticks. Which is for you?
    • New Kid On The Block - The Commodore 16 is a real "learning machine."
    • Life After Games - Consider these alternatives to arcade games.
    • Feature Games
      • Some Like It Hot - Warm up your joystick hand for Satan's Hollow.
      • Take The Solar Fox Challenge - Commodore's new Bally/Midway game is fast.

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