Synchronization: Order out of Chaos

in resonance •  3 years ago 

At first glance, this video appears to have little to do with my previous post, and yet both describe very similar processes that take place at different levels of organisation, from atomic nuclei to populations of organisms.

The process of synchronisation, or resonance, can be both beneficial or destructive. The seeming inability to break out of the resonant lockstep behaviour is a dangerous flaw, and one that requires some external change in the environment.

The video is brief and does not dwell upon an interesting phenomenon that does appear in some of the footage used: the existence of oscillations that are totally out of phase. You see this with the metronomes (albeit briefly) and it also exists in, say, the nuclear spins created in an MRI scanner.

Such ortho and para alignments seem to have some parallels in human societies: the orthodox and the paradox!

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Was i born out of tune ?
On a other phase and frequency ?

I like standing on a shore overlooking the sea and resonate with it ,.. 7,83 Hz .
Tune my guitar at 432 to connect more to the sounds it makes .

Out of tune , me ? , .. what about the opposite , but indeed on a phase and frequency that differ's from the masses , the artificial controlled masses .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Right, so beating to a different drum.
I feel it still needs explaining why not absolutely everyone has been swept along.
You mention the Schumann resonance - I suspect most people don't know about it and no longer respond to it as part of the day/night cycle (it's not only about sunlight) because that signal has been swamped by artificial microwaves that include an 8Hz component in their modulation (can hear it with a phone next to a speaker). I suspect a large amount of insomnia is due to this - never mind urban lighting - as the brain needs to synch down to about 4Hz to sleep.

So, maybe the different beats are the natural beats of the universe rather than the collective social drums.

There's a thought in Edgar Allan Poe's Alone:
From childhood’s hour I have not been
As others were — I have not seen
As others saw — I could not bring
My passions from a common spring —

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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Interesting that the guy thinks compartmentalization has actually worked in science but then wonders why they don't understand the 'immune system'. It's called thinking outside the box which is not a common occurance in the science community.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Well, it does work ;-) the point is that complex systems remains a fairly new branch of maths and science, and as he also says, it remains non-obvious how to predict complex behaviour knowing the properties of the constituent particles - be they molecules or humans. This is also a change in philosophy; complex systems do not require complex rules, they emerge from simple rules plus feedback.

As an aside, it also doesn't help that the bio-sciences largely ignore electromagnetism and insist on a mechanical model - that is starting to become blatantly stupid (see my comment on chakras and neural nexus). In itself, such knowledge is neutral and can be abused - as we're seeing - but it is there, so anybody with eyes and a brain can try to understand.

Hence, human lockstepping is a natural phenomenon, but usually with overlapping domains - what is dangerous (like now) is one single frequency.

Hence my and many other people's view that 'health' and biology should not be treated as a 'science' in this sense. The compartmentalization of medicine has caused more problems than anything else apart from the 'body as a machine' aspect. There are so many 'specialists' who are blinkered to how the body works as a whole. Hence the term 'holistic' as opposed to allopathic.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It's still all science, or natural philosophy, and includes both reductionism and complex systems. One has to move both up and down the ladder to find the correct construct.

Maybe we should bring back the term natural philosophy, and that would also encourage other branches of philosophy.

I think science has moved so far from philosophy now there is no way back. There is no humanity in it. It is dead. I prefer philosophy every time.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

"Science" is not a thing - it is the humans who are dead.

The idea of purely utilitarian science, for the benefit of the "common wealth", was articulated by Francis Bacon. To be fair, was a step forward as a first iteration scientific method compared to what prevailed at the time - aristotelian stupidity. However, the "method" remains naive and hence easy to hijack - see democracy as a ref.

Just as we have coups of states, so we are in the midst of a scientific coup. This isn't exactly new, can easily be traced back 150 years, possibly even as far back as the dawn of printing. But what was occult is now in plain sight - yet many cannot see it!

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