
in reset •  4 years ago 

The Great Reset is based on The Great Leap Forward. 6,000 people in Arizona are neither male nor female. 2,000 non-homeless people in Arizona live in vacant lots but not in houses as there are no houses there and the lots are vacant meaning nobody lives there. Why are there millions of dollars going from China to Dominion via Switzerland? China owns 75% of the machines that did the counting. Totally fair. Masks make you sick because carbon dioxide gets stuck in your face.

Hashtag Fire Barr

William Bill Barr lies and says there is no massive election fraud or voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Election. That is not true. There is election fraud and many different things. Hashtag Fire Barr. Should we hold a new election? Over 400 million dollars laundered from China through Switzerland to Dominion right before November of 2020. Treason was the intention. Did Dr. Li Yi say China plans to take over America by 2027 and that such plans may be delayed by a few years? Candace Owens has a new book called Blackout. Candace Owens is going after the fact-checkers. Join me or be on the losing side of history.


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2020-12-01 - Tuesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-12-01 - Tuesday
Published in December of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-12-01 15:22:51 Dominion Thumb Drive Ninja Georgia.png

Dominion Thumb Drive Ninja Georgia

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

[Breaking News

For more information, visit Banned Video

Elections News

For more info, please visit Stop The Steal


6,000 people in Arizona are neither male nor female.
2,000 people in Arizona live in vacant lots.

2,000 non-homeless people in Arizona live in vacant lots but not in houses as there are no houses there and the lots are vacant meaning nobody lives there.


William Bill Barr lies and says there is no massive election fraud or voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Election. That is not true. There is election fraud and many different things.

Hashtag Fire Barr.

Over 400 million dollars laundered from China through Switzerland to Dominion right before November of 2020. Treason was the intention.

The 400 million dollars money transfer to Dominion took place on the 7th of October of 2020.

China owns 75% of the machines that did the counting. Totally fair.

Georgia Thumb Drive Ninja

Man slips in a thumb drive into a county counting computer. He did something. He took it out. He left and came back not too long later and slipped it back in.

AND An Electronics Recycling truck with Hard-Drive SHREDDING equipment, has arrived at the Gwinnett County Voter Registrations and Elections Office in Georgia.
It can shred machine parts, server drives, USBs etc. They are apparently SHREDDING computer hard drives to destroy evidence

2020-12-02 - Wednesday - 02:00 PM - Georgia Wills Park Alpharetta Stop The Steal

Dinesh D'Souza wrote

I notice a chilling similarity between the accounts of voter fraud in Pennsylvania, Arizona and Michigan. Doesn’t this by itself suggest a coordinated effort across the critical states to hand Biden the election?

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video


03:53 PM - Facebook

Are you ready for Covid-21?

Trần Duy, masks make you sick because carbon dioxide gets stuck in your face.

99% of people recover from Covid. There are different kinds of viruses out there and most of Covid is less deadly than a common cold.

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Trump Tweet

10:32 PM - Twitter - 3h ago

Therefore, if the very dangerous & unfair Section 230 is not completely terminated as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), I will be forced to unequivocally VETO the Bill when sent to the very beautiful Resolute desk. Take back America NOW. Thank you!

Oatmeal High Council

Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies


02:48 PM - Facebook Private Message

He has probiotic medicine. What kinds of things do they put in them?

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc


01:13 PM - Facebook

6,000 people in Arizona are neither male nor female.

2,000 people in Arizona live in vacant lots.


01:24 PM

They didn't want you to debate things with family during Thanksgiving.

Facebook Message is Funny

02:26 PM - Facebook

Gene Ahearn, technically, the message has no meaning because you saw my Facebook post and other people see my posts and that is normal. But for some reason, they put this message here for me. But they should either put this message on each of my posts on Facebook or on none of them because this message has no meaning. Nothing has changed. So, I find the message a little bit funny. Maybe an idiot would fall for this message but not me.

China owns 75% of the machines that did the counting. Totally fair.

Many trials, court cases, were illegally delayed under the excuse of Covid lockdown.

Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter

Censored Christmas Song

03:51 PM - I read this Jack Posobiec Twitter song

In a full-o-ballots sleigh
O'er the fraud we go
Checking all the way
Bells on Bob's Tail ring
Fakers come to light
What fraud it is to mail and cheat
But Bob will set it right!

Bob Spindell, Bob Spindell
Bobbin' all the way!
O the fraud, we caught em now

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube



Diamond & Silk

12:39 PM - LIVE: Michigan State Legislature Holds Public Hearing on 2020 Election

Your face is stolen by the mask

Steven Crowder

12:59 PM - SCAM: Arizona Election Fraud Testimony | Good Morning #MugClub

The lesson of the day.

6,000 people in Arizona are neither male nor female.

General Shepherd

01:43 PM - ALEX JONES (1st Hour) Tuesday - 12/1/20

The Great Reset is based on The Great Leap Forward.

Is Klaus Schwab the real Santa Claus?

Should we hold a new election?

Why are there millions of dollars going from China to Dominion via Switzerland?

China owns 75% of the machines that did the counting. Totally fair.

General Shepherd

02:54 PM - ALEX JONES (2nd Hour) Tuesday - 12/1/20

Did Dr. Li Yi say China plans to take over America by 2027 and that such plans may be delayed by a few years?

The 400 million dollars money transfer to Dominion took place on the 7th of October of 2020.

Was Abraham Lincoln a tyrant?

Man slips in a thumb drive into a county counting computer. He did something. He took it out. He left and came back not too long later and slipped it back in.

Georgia Thumb Drive Ninja

General Shepherd

03:55 PM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Tuesday - 12/1/20

In the final hour, Paul Joseph Watson interviews Candace Owens on how she is suing USA Today and possibly other groups or internal groups within them.

Candace Owens has a new book called Blackout.

Candace Owens is going after the fact-checkers.

Many trials, court cases, were illegally delayed under the excuse of Covid lockdown.

Hotep Jesus

10:06 PM - Vin Armani v Guy Swann - Altcoins vs Bitcoin Debate

Three main pillars for cryptocurrencies can be

The ability to steal Bitcoin would be like finding a single molecule within all of the molecules on earth said Vin and that sounds pretty secured. It might be bigger than that said Guy, as in atoms in the observable universe.

Miners mining Bitcoin is like throwing dice to get the keys, the addresses, Vit said.

One analogy is that a blockchain node is like a referee meaning all the nodes are like referees making sure miners and users are following the rules and that might be an accurate analogy.

Can Bitcoin have multiple chains?

Is it good to have multiple chains in a cryptocurrency network?


Dream or Dreams

Weird dreams I can barely remember or I mostly forget now. I think I was helping my younger sister. I can't remember when, where, what, how, with who, what for, or anything really. I mean like I kind of knew a few hours ago but I forget now. And other dreams I had I think I forgot them all by now.


10:30 AM - Pancakes

November of 2020

11:00 AM - Was working on uploading my weekly photo album to Facebook, see yesterday's post for links. I was then posting my monthly blog outline post.

Template Work

12:10 PM - 12:30 PM - Worked on putting together my monthly and daily blog posts for December of 2020. Now, 2 or 3 hours after waking up, I am now up to date I think. That took a while. I was also having computer problems. I updated my laptop and restarted it and I think it is doing better now. Maybe my room was too hot for it.

Homework stuff
running around a house circle of walls and rooms
Eating homework
Not me
Internet too intermixed with all of that.


02:00 PM - casserole was good. Around that time.


04:20 PM - 10:00 PM - Worked on the front side of the chicken house or actually back side part where chickens would come out. Bad nails. Need better nails. Around 7 PM, came in and saw this map being colored, 7 continents. Ran around outside for a minute, a fast fall and it was ok. Back out probably around 8 PM or before that I think. Continued working. Added door handles to two of the front side wall doors and was working on a third door but then was running into too many broken nails and stopped.


More casserole. Apple juice.

What I really need are some good nails because most of the nails I have break.

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