What do you think about muslim's prayer time???

in religions •  4 years ago 

Today I realized a new thing about the prayers time of mulims. I am also a muslim and I always try to complete my daily prayers. But I don't realize the matter before.

Under Islamic rules, there are five prayers that is compulsory for an adult muslim at different period of a day. And the time to complete the prayers is fixed by Allah. First prayer's time start almost 90 minutes ago before sunrise and ends with sunrise. If you fulfill the prayer that means you start the day by remembering Allah first.

Then there is a long period to seek livelihood. And when it is time to take lunch, there is a prayer before it. So you can get a chance to thanks allah for your livelihood.

Next prayer is at afternoon. Basically when we get a rest.

4th prayer time is after sunset. That is why you can get a chance to end the day with praying to Allah.

And the last prayer is just before sleep. When we are in sleep that means we are dead in a small period. If you really dead in sleep, then you would be reluxed even if after death.

Allah has set the time so wisely that none can go out of islam if he complete the 5 prayer in a day.....

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