In the name of Religion and Spirituality

in religion •  6 months ago 

These days Religion and Spirituality are a big time business. Spirituality is the new age Religion. We have these set structures in our society since centuries who have formed norms in the name of Religion telling us what to do and what not to do. They tell us how to live, eat and breathe and if we go against those norms then we have this thing called hell which is sold to us. So with the fear of going to hell, we start obeying these norms and live in these set structures, but is this really the right way to live.

When I write about this I have no condemnation for any religion, rather I am very religious and believe in following my religious practices, but there are times when I listen to some of the religious scholars advocating religion in a manner that suits them and then I feel what is happening in the name of God. Is God so cruel that he will burn us in hell. We have this life to experience life in all dimensions and then there is Karma which we are constantly going through, so is heaven and hell not all here itself, then why does one need to rot in the fire of hell again after going through their karma in physical life.


Whatever the society does not want us to do it labels it under the religion and then puts the tag of heaven and hell on it, so we are under constant fear, if I do this or that then possibly I will go to hell or heaven. Rather then worrying about this heaven and hell why we do not worry about just being mindful, increasing our awareness and living every moment of our life mindfully, then we will never have to worry about heaven and hell. Because mindfulness will always make us do things which are for our highest good.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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  ·  6 months ago  ·   (edited)

I believe in the God of Spinoza. If God is Infinite then everything is God…. Or else God is not infinite. I believe that God and the Universe are both Infinite. So I read the old Mystics of every Traditional Religion and slowly moved towards Hindu Advaita Vedanta and other Monism and immanence teachings. The Oneness of everything…. . God is One, there is nothing other than God. As the Ancient mystics say “ein od Milvado” there is nothing else. Everything is spirit, vibration, energy, the source of the beginning that is also infinite