[ESP+ENG] Volando al infierno / flying to hell 5 (Relato / Story)

in relatoficcion •  last year 

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Capitulo anterior: https://blurt.blog/relatoficcion/@bigbdp/6zwdtk-esp-eng-volando-al-infierno-flying-to-hell-relato-story

Versión en Español:

Volando al infierno 5

El viejo Jack por primera vez desde que habia aterrizado de emergencia en aquella pequeña isla desierta trabajaba en el motor izquierdo de el Tiburón, el derecho estaba fundido y sin repuestos ni herramientas poco o nada se podía hacer por el, si lograba echar andar el izquierdo estarían en el aire muy pronto, su arrebato nudista de hace dos día habia logrado su cometido de meter en cintura no solo a las FancyGirls si no su manager, la pelirroja Wen.

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Esa mañana se levanto temprano para ir a pescar, regreso a media mañana y le entrego los peces a Wen para que los limpiara y preparara, el cocinaría mas tarde, Konoe y Diane exploraban la isla en busca de frutos y cocos, Jack les advirtió que no se comieran nada antes de que el verificara que eran inocuas, mientras la rubia Miranda y la latina Fernanda acarreaban agua desde la laguna de la isla, si las cosas no hubieran cambiado todas esas tareas las estuviera haciendo el pobre Jack.

Al mediodía regresaron la japonesa y la francesa cargadas de varios frutos extraños, Jack los reviso minuciosamente haciéndose el preocupado, sabía perfectamente que no habia ningún fruto o valla venenosa en la pequeña isla, pero si les decia la verdad se hubieran comido la mitad antes de regresar!!!, Jack comenzó la preparación del almuerzo con los ingredientes recién traído mas el pescado que limpio Wen, recibiendo la ayuda de todas las presentes, al rato regresaron Miranda y Fernanda acarreando el agua, ya no para bañarse, si no para cocinar y tomar.

Parecían una nueva versión de aquella vieja serie de televisión que tanto le encanta a Jack cuando era pequeño, «la familia Robinson»,todos trabajando y procurando el bien común, si las cosas seguían como hasta ahora, quien sabe quizás hasta tuviera un buen chance con Wendolyn antes de que lograra destrabar el motor del Tiburón y regresar a la civilización, después del almuerzo las chicas se fueron a descansar tomando el sol en la playa, Wen se quedo al lado de jack para ayudarlo a recoger, este descansaría un rato antes de volver a trabajar con el motor.

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La pelirroja aguardaba a que Jack sacará uno de sus puro para pedirle unas caladas, se habia acabado todos sus cigarrillos, necesitaba esa pequeña dosis diaria de nicotina para no ponerse de mal humor y estresarse mas de lo que ya significaba estar atrapados en una isla desierta!!!, Jack siempre previsor, cada vez que partía de viaje guardaba dos docenas de habanos pequeños en su caja de seguridad, junto a su vieja magnun, con uno o dos al día le eran suficiente, así que todavía le quedaban unos cuantos.

Wen no sabe si son los días que llevan perdidos en la isla,la actitud varonil de Jack o las multiples habilidades del piloto, o quizás que vio al viejo desnudo!!!, pero los dos últimos días estaba mucho mas propensa a darle un chance al viejo piloto, aunque no quería que se enteraran las chicas, aprovecha que estan a solas, se acerca para tomar el tabaco de la boca de Jack, pero de una manera provocativa y seductora, que no pasan desapercibidas para el viejo, que ve venir a la pelirroja con intenciones de guerra y le sonríe, la sujeta firmemente por la cintura, comprobando que Wen no solo estaba muy bien a la vista si no también al tacto, iba a proceder a una escalada mayor cuando oyó los primeros gritos!!!, provenientes de la playa.

-!Por aquí, aquí estamos!!!.

-!Estamos salvadas!!!.

-Wendolyn, Jack, vengan!!!.

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La pelirroja pega saltos de alegría cuando ve el bote que se aproxima a la playa, Jack no sonríe, a pesar de sus años todavía posee una gran visión, reconoce el bote y sus colores, ademas que con solo verle las caras a la media docena de tripulantes, sabía muy bien lo que eran, sostiene con fuerza el brazo de la pelirroja que se disponía a correr a la playa para juntarse con las FancyGirls y recibir a sus salvadores.

-¿Que pasa Jack?, suéltame, no ves que llegaron a rescatarnos!!!.

-No son rescatistas Wen, llama a las chicas pero ya!!!.

Wen no sabe que hacer, Jack la suelta y corre al interior de el Tiburón, regresa con su magnun en la mano, -bang, bang!!!- hace un par de disparos sobre la cabezas de los hombres en el bote, las chicas gritan asustadas!!!, no saben lo que esta pasando, -Regresen!!!-, Wendolyn las llama a gritos, los hombres del bote que hace tan solo un segundo respondian a los saludos de las preciosas cantantes, se dejan de farsas, sacan sus armas largas -ratata, ratata, ratata!!!- disparando unas cuantas ráfagas al aire.

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-Corran Carajo!!!, son piratas!!!, les grita Jack a las chicas que retornan despavoridas hacia el avión.


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In English:

flying to hell 5

Old Jack for the first time since he had made an emergency landing on that little deserted island was working on the left engine of the Shark, the right was blown and without spare parts or tools little or nothing could be done for it, if he managed to get the left running they would be on the air very soon, her nudist outburst from two days ago had achieved its goal of bringing not only the FancyGirls to heel, but also their manager, the redhead Wen.

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That morning he got up early to go fishing, he returned at mid-morning and gave the fish to Wen to clean and prepare, he would cook later, Konoe and Diane explored the island in search of fruits and coconuts, Jack warned them that They didn't eat anything before he verified that they were innocuous, while the blonde Miranda and the Latina Fernanda fetched water from the island's lagoon, if things hadn't changed all those tasks would be being done by poor Jack.

At noon the Japanese and the French returned loaded with various strange fruits, Jack carefully checked them, pretending to be worried, he knew perfectly well that there was no poisonous fruit or fence on the small island, but if he told them the truth they would have eaten half before leaving. come back!!!, Jack began preparing lunch with the freshly brought ingredients plus the fish that Wen cleaned, receiving the help of all those present, after a while Miranda and Fernanda returned carrying water, not for bathing, but for cooking and drink.

They looked like a new version of that old television series that Jack loved so much when he was little, "the Robinson family", all working and seeking the common good, if things continued as they are now, who knows, maybe they would even have a good chance with Wendolyn before he managed to unlock the Shark's engine and return to civilization, after lunch the girls went to rest sunbathing on the beach, Wen stayed by Jack's side to help him clean up, he would rest for a while before to get back to working on the engine.

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The redhead was waiting for Jack to take out one of his cigars to ask him for a few puffs, he had finished all his cigarettes, he needed that small daily dose of nicotine to avoid getting in a bad mood and stressing himself out more than what it already meant to be trapped on a deserted island. !!!, Jack always farsighted, every time he went on a trip he kept two dozen small cigars in his safe, next to his old magnun, one or two a day was enough, so he still had a few left.

Wen doesn't know if it's the days they've been missing on the island, Jack's manly attitude or the multiple skills of the pilot, or maybe that he saw the old man naked!!!, but the last two days he was much more likely to give him a chance. to the old pilot, although he did not want the girls to find out, he takes advantage of the fact that they are alone, he approaches to take the tobacco from Jack's mouth, but in a provocative and seductive way, which does not go unnoticed by the old man, who sees it coming to the redhead with war intentions and smiles at her, holding her firmly by the waist, checking that Wen was not only very good in sight but also in touch, he was going to proceed to a bigger climb when he heard the first screams!!! , coming from the beach.

-! Over here, here we are!!!.

-! We are saved!!!.

-Wendolyn, Jack, come!!!.

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The redhead jumps for joy when she sees the boat approaching the beach, Jack doesn't smile, despite his years he still has great vision, he recognizes the boat and its colors, in addition to just seeing the faces of half a dozen of crew members, she knew very well what they were, she tightly holds the arm of the redhead who was preparing to run to the beach to join the FancyGirls and receive their saviors.

-What's up Jack? Let me go, can't you see that they came to rescue us!!!

-They are not rescuers Wen, call the girls but now!!!.

Wen doesn't know what to do, Jack lets go of her and runs into the Shark, returns with his magnum in hand, -bang, bang!!!- he fires a couple of shots over the heads of the men in the boat, the girls they scream scared!!!, they don't know what is happening, -Come back!!!-, Wendolyn calls them out, the men from the boat who just a second ago responded to the greetings of the beautiful singers, stop fooling around, They take out their long weapons -ratata, ratata, ratata!!!- firing a few bursts into the air.

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-Fuck off!!!, they're pirates!!!, Jack yells at the girls who return terrified towards the plane.

To be continue...

Lás imagenes de las chicas y el mecanico de: Freepik.com

Los piratas de: https://marineandnavalengineering.com/

#bigbdp #BigVERSO #JackRipper
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  ·  last year  ·  

Nooo que mala suerte para el Jack que por fin iba anotar una. Se pone más interesante la historia. yeah!