Hello, Aisha.

in relationship •  3 years ago 



Hello, good morning.
My name is Aisha, from the timeline.
Sorry for entering your DM unannounced. It relates to your post on love. I just felt I shouldn't bring the whole discussion on there. You are a relationship coach, so maybe you can help out.

What do you think could be the reason why two people who are flowing together well, all of a sudden, one just seems to get upset over little things, then boom, they're no longer talking. Could it be that person never felt the same way from the very beginning?
I hope I'm clear enough and what do you mean by 'the wrong person?'

I'd really appreciate your take, thank you.


Hello, Aisha.

Loving the wrong person means there are so many people who claimed they love but they are not really in love. They are attracted to the physical and not the inner beauty. A lot of people can claim to be in love until they see the dark side of the other person. When that person cannot withstand your excesses and correct you in love, it means they never loved you as deep as they claimed. Maybe they loved a little but not as much as you would have loved or as much as you loved them. Some people don't like taking to corrections and some don't like being corrected. They can't both co-exist.

You will know someone is wrong for you when all they are concerned about is the physical and would do nothing to build you up. If you are worse off rather than be better of, then that person is not for you. You should be able to be there for each other. A relationship is all about sacrifices but most people can't go the length of it. This is what happens when most people haven't healed from their last relationship before jumping into another

A lot of times, we overlook the warning signs because we are so deep in love or we are hoping to change the person. No one can change another person without the person's consent. The person must be willing to meet you halfway

Both should learn how to discuss without arguing. The truth is you will always hurt each other, deliberate or not and if the person keeps counting the wrongs, you both can't last at all. And sometimes, another person might be getting his attention and he is looking for a way to discharge you...trying to hold on to the tiniest of excuses.

Do what is best for your sanity as it is obvious he has done his but sit down with him to hear what he has to say, even if it is for the last time before you make your decision.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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