RE: 3 ways to know if someone likes you

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3 ways to know if someone likes you

in recommendation •  2 years ago 

HaHa :D
If I am embarrassed that I have holes in my socks or dirty shoes and the other person could see this and judge me for having holes in my socks and dirty shoes, it probably means that I don't like myself very much. Because where I have holes in my socks or dirty shoes, but friendliness in my heart, I don't worry about what's holey or not perfect about me.

If I am anxious only to please the other person because he judges me when he does not like what he sees, I must assume that I am the one who judges others too because she does not like what she sees. I would say that such things have little in common with love.

Yet it seems being a widespread assumption, and where this assumption becomes entrenched, that one confuses affection with being uncomfortable with the light in which one stands, one can continue to pursue the strategy and even refine it quite a bit.
When I was a young woman, like you, I used the advantages of my beauty and enjoyed it. HaHa! I like how you could manage to lead people by the nose! Well done, young lady!

But if we don’t care about a person and his opinion, then we won’t even turn our noses at where he is looking and what he needs from us.

Indeed, indeed. I can see that. I welcome it very much because this kind of "indifference" offers me a beautiful way of being together. This kind of "not minding another's appearance" is very liberating and gives rise to spontaneous being instead of constantly asking oneself: "how do I look?", "how do I come across?" and vice versa: "how does the other person look?". "How well/badly does he come across?"

Instead of wanting to read ones mind in order to see what one needs, how about asking "what do you need right now?"

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