Special Noodles,Egg recipe || Food Recipe

in recipe •  2 years ago 

Hello food lovers

In today's world we are all too busy. So we don't have time to make our own favorite food in the busiest time. So we always want to eat something good in a very short time so we can eat. Thinking about it, today I have brought you a short recipe. This recipe is one of my favorite dishes I can make at home almost all the time. Here I am going to share with you everything about how to do what needs to be done.


Here are the things we need for the recipe.

  • Eggs
  • Noodles
  • Tomatoes
  • Oil
  • Onions
  • Green peppers
  • Tomato sauce


First you need to save the things you need to make noodles. Bring them all at hand and put them together in one place so that it is convenient to work.



Then you take your favorite noodles out of the packet and take them in a bowl. If the ground is perforated, it will be best for you to clean it.



Then wash and clean well and put in a perforated basket so that the remaining water falls off.



Then the noodles have to be boiled in water. Once they are well cooked, they have to be picked up.



Then fry eggs, onion, green chillies in soybean oil.



Then when the thousand is done, we will see if it has turned a little red. The color of the noodles looks very nice if you have to fry them till they turn red.


Then pour the noodles in them and stir well. After mixing all the ingredients and leaving them for a while, our favorite noodles will be made. That way we can make a fun meal in a very short time.

Final Steps


Hope everybody understands. Although it is a very simple food but in a very short time you can make this food and eat it at home.

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Adorable. This is impressive. Frying noodles in that format makes it to look more eye-catchy. Of course, the taste is also adorable.

I haven't tried to add tomatoes to mine while frying noodles. I might add that later.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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