Roasted khichuri recipe

in recipe •  2 years ago 

Hello food lovers

How is everyone? Hope everybody is doing well. I love the blessings of all. Today I will discuss with you one of my favorite food recipes. We all love to eat roasted khichuri. Be that as it may, at some point in the morning and in the afternoon, if the khichuri is woven and the egg is fried, then nothing else is needed. So today I will show you how to make roasted khichuri.


Here are the things we need for the recipe.

  • Rice
  • Oil
  • Onions
  • Green peppers
  • potato
  • Lentils
  • Cinnamon, bay leaves, garlic, ginger, cumin powder


Here's a picture I shared with you of all the things you need to cookRoasted khichuri . Upurab wrote down what is needed to cook Roasted khichuri .



You have to make potatoes well like a piece of meat. Then the rice should be thoroughly cleaned and the stalks should be thoroughly cleaned. Then mix rice, pulses and potatoes together.



Now stir well with all kinds of spices and oil in a pot. Stir until everything is well blended.


Then you have to put all the potatoes, nets and pulses in the pan. Then shake very well and mix with everything



After a while, pour enough water so that everything is cooked well.



Then shake it for a while so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan. Then you have to look at it from time to time.



Then when you look away that is done. And when the potatoes are soft, you have to realize that your roasted khichuri is ready.


Then serve well and eat everyone's favorite roasted khichuri.

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