in realitybites •  2 years ago  (edited)


A woman client who brings out the suicide mace to make me do her bidding,

I sincerely laugh in her face and tell her, "Go ahead. Do it." I feel elated, she feels that I know she has nothing to do with her sentence.

I walk across an uneven lawn with a tray fully laden with glasses,

meandering good-humouredly through the narrow lanes between the tables where I wait on the guests, twinkling at a man's remark, having everything in view without straining my gaze, without spilling a drop.

I tell someone a story that is a complete lie from beginning to end,

I feel the spectacle in all its unseriousness and I double over with laughter inwardly while outwardly I do not move a muscle. I understand that I can be an excellent liar if I find truth in lying.

I take the ball and stand backwards to the high hanging basket and I throw,

cheerfully, aiming and yet not aiming and the ball goes right in! I laugh!

In a night club,

my arms, legs, torso, hands are the extension of my joyful dancing, I feel hilarity and high energy. No mistakes in receiving the beats and figuring them out. I get an unexpected spectator who comes up and shouts: Oh, what fun, I want to dance with you!

I get a refusal towards my low hopes that shakes me sad and makes me leave.

Before the exit I make a full stop: "Leave? Why? Go back, you will succeed in being invited instead of rejected." I do just that. I turn on my heel and get what I asked for in this second moment.

I'm sitting in the suburban train.

On the platform opposite, I see a man through the window. I want him to see me. Both trains set off. I look at him and wink. He winks back! My heart laughs!

On a whim, I hide countless little notes all over my friend's flat,

while she is at work. On which I write cheeky remarks. I feel that if I didn't follow this idea, I miss a chance that may not come back. She finds all the notes one by one, long after my departure. (I never was at her place again).

My mom in her weeks about to die.

She firmly pushes aside the spoon that is brought to her mouth and says, "You, eat!" I laugh a liberated laugh! I know what she is saying. I stop feeding her.

A police car stops me in the middle of the night.

I, in bad mood, have had to take my boyfriend to the night shift, have got lost in the area and am breaking couple of traffic rules. I roll down my window: "Wich god damned way?!", the policeman refrains from any kind of check and sends me in the right direction.

In summer, I go to a beach club on the shore of our city.

I decide on the spur of the moment that I want to take a man. I see a handsome one, head for him, sit down next to him and toast him with my gin and tonic. He looks at me, we smile. We are clear. We have an exhilarating time under the stars, drive to a club that has us dancing to electronic music in the inner patio. In front of the entrance are two huge elephants made of stone and gold. We talk nothing. When he takes me home, we end our lovemaking on the bench behind some bushes and say goodbye. He: "there is no point in asking you for your phone number?" I: "No." I go to sleep.


Those anecdotes are told from my life.

I often use the expression "skillful spontaneity", a term I learned from studying Alan Watts' speeches and books. Here, I also called them "unplanned virtuos moments".

You want share some of yours?

Here, you can read some other reality bites of mine. And here and here some bites from others on the block.

Let's start this as an easy movement throughout the blockchain, will we?


Cover image: made by me.

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The 2nd one is so cryptic I can't work out what happened and wonder if it's meant to reveal a dirty mind? Did the man flash you?
I like these short snippets, they make me think. I will see if I can emulate them. Not sure I can as I like to go into detail hahaha

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You mean me walking with the tray? It was just a random remark from a man. Otherwise it was the experience of moving fluidly through a beer garden packed with guests and chairs not being stressed myself, with the emphasis on not a drop leaving the glasses of drinks. Everything went like a charm. I was the manoeuvre.

Not sure I can as I like to go into detail hahaha

:) the trick is to write down the story and then, after you see it before you, to snip back the details until you are left with the essence of the experience. Use adjectives and attributes as sparingly as possible. It is quite an interesting approach to writing. I find it is a lot fun.

I'm primarily a visual artist and that process sounds a bit like how to make a logo. Still not sure I could do it.
When I read that snippet I got a visual of the guy flashing you his naughty bits under the table hahahaha. Yup maybe it's a dirty mind I have

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Even if this man did flash them to me that day, I probably would have wanted to laugh at him and moved on with my tray :D

In the same way I did not take offense towards the client who warned me that she might commit killing herself and me being guilty of not having seen her in danger doing so.

if someone flashed me their wiener while I was carrying a tray full of drink I know what I'd do........I think u can guess

Posted from https://blurt.live