Media Manipulation: The Fine Line Between Information and Propaganda

in rcornell •  8 months ago 

Dear Hive Friend and Hive Learner Members,


We all live in a free world and getting information about what happened around us to keep ourselves updated is not a bad idea at all. That the reason we read news paper, watch new channels and other media's like video channels on web and social media also. If we looks back about 10 - 15 years the major source of the news were the radio and some programs telecast the news daily. That was the time when nobody think of a Chanel which will telecast the News though out the day 24X7. Now days it's a reality and majority of us depends kn those channels only for the getting day to day information a out our surroundings, our nation and international levels. The information we received form those news channels or anybother media looks very truth worth to us but what if they showing us the one side only. It's the reality of today's media industry as all of them are here to make business and increase their TRP which fatch them more money in many ways. The news Channel telecast the news for all day 24 hours also required the content also and the content should be such that it should attract audience them only their will be able to survive in this fast moving industry. To make this happened they also shows the incomplete news or telecast in such way that it looks more intresting. In this way they forge it and realistic facts gone away.


Any information or news has positive and negative effects on the audience. Some time the news is so sensitive that it may cause the chaos and cause riots also. So it's very essential and important to understand the depth of sensitivity. Some private channels or sometime national media channels ignore such important aspects and the results costs the life of many persons.
The information such as the internal affairs containing the sensitive data or the information related to security of the country should be restricted and should not be available to anyone in my opinion. Lekage of such information Amy leads to the breach of security of the country and may leads to some very bad effects on any country. But their are some matters which should be public so that the people of country should know the real facts. The economic and data about the development works going within the country should be available to the people of the country as they are paying tax and they should has right to know all such information.

The facts is all governments always eager to show the positive data but never shares the negative data and if such data comes out they start blaming the opposition or the member of previous ruling parties.


It's very easy for the govermenrt to manipulate information. I can share such example. During the COVID-19 pandemic their were restrictions all over the world and in our country also. The restrictions were many to avoid the social contact and traveling form one part to another part of country. That were to control the spread of the deadly virus and I am not one who was against all this. But the point is that rule and regulations should be equals for all. But this was not the case. The data was released every day which shows the total number of positive case, casualties, recovered person nu.bers etc. This data was released by the government and they manipulate it as per their requirements. For example they start the testing aggressively if they want to highlight and want to expose the strict restrictions but on the other hands of they want to relax the restrictions for their own purposes they reduce the testing to check the positive patients which ultimately reduce the data of positive persons.
I have seen that the Goverment use same technique to lift the restriction for certain defined time to facilitate a big politician in our area for their daughter's marriage. During the restriction no gathering were allowed and by manipulating the data they shown less positive cases and lift the all restriction and in that marriage thousands of people were participated. Is this the right?


Recently I watched a movie named Afwah which means in English is Rumors . The movies very nicely shown that how politicians use a IT expert to fake the News and then viral it for this own agenda. That fake news ultimately toolamy lives and cause the roits.
It's very important to restrict the sensitive information but it's equally important to show the truth to the public. It all depends on the nature of new or information, upto what extend it must be suppressed.

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