Ramazan : The month that teaches you about patience so just remember that !

in ramazan •  last year 

Assalamu alaikum,
I send good wishes to all the readers here.



Today's blog is for the mother's who have small children and are fasting in the month of Ramazan. I know fasting for 29/30 consecutive days is not a easy task and on top of that if you are a mother of a little one it becomes even more difficult to fast.

You have to handle your baby and fast at the same time. Now this one single extra thing of handling a baby is enough to make your day two times difficult compared a person who is fasting alone.

To my sisters i would like to tell that Allah is watching us and our efforts. He knows the best as well as the worst of our situations. We will be rewarded by the almighty accordingly.



To help yourself and get motivation read about the life of the wifes of prophet muhammad Peace be upon him and also about the life of Sahabiya.

You will learn from them what to do in situations of life and take steps accordingly. It is helpful but sadly we have stopped learning and knowing about their life. That is the reason our life seems difficult to us.

When we marry we do not want to learn about how our prophet muhammad peace be upon him taught us to live with our partner of life. If we follow him and his companions then our life will be lot more easier.


It will be only by reading about their life that we will come to know about the reward that a women gets specially for their time like periods and pregnancy. It is not just the pain we bare but their is alot of reward for each and every pain and sacrifice we do.

Anyways, i myself is a mother of a eigth months old and i can understand how difficult it is to handle babies. In this situation all the other family members should come to aid and help you. That's the solution.

That's all for this blog, thank you for reading till the end.


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