Farewell ceremony held in honor of Yakub Khan

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 


اسلام علیکم !!

جمعہ کا دن بہت ہی خوبصورت دن تھا۔ بروز جمعہ ہمارے ایک بہت ہی معزز استاد محترم جو عرصہ تیس سال شعبہ تدریس سے وابستہ تھے۔ انکا سکول میں آخری دن تھا اور وہ ساٹھ برس کی عمر میں تدریس سے ریٹاہر منٹ لے رہے تھے۔ ہمارے اس معزز ٹیچر کا نام یعقوب خان ہے۔ یعقوب خان نے تیس سال سے اوپر درس تدریس کا کام جاری رکھا اور اسوقت انکے ہزاروں طالب علم زندگی کے مختلف شعبوں میں اپنی خدمات سرانحام دے رہے ہیں۔یعقوب خان بہت قابل اور انتھک محنت کرنے والے ٹیچر تھے اور انکے پڑھانے کا طریقہ بہت ہی منفرد تھا۔ تمام سکولز سٹاف، مقامی لوگوں نے اور شعبہ تدریس سے وابستہ افراد نے یعقوب خان کو خراج عقیدت پیش کیا اور انکے اعزاز میں الوادعی تقریب کا اہتمام کیا گیا جس میں پروفیسر ضیاءالمصطفی ، امیر ملک ، ناصر عبداللہ، انور خان ، عارف حمید ، اسلم خان اور دیگر کئ مشہور افراد نے شرکت کی اور پارٹی کی رونق کو بڑھایا۔

Friday was a very beautiful day. On Friday, a very respected teacher of ours who was associated with the teaching department for thirty years.

It was his last day at school and he was retiring from teaching at the age of sixty. The name of this respected teacher of ours is Yakub Khan.

Yaqoob Khan continued teaching for over thirty years and now thousands of his students are serving in various fields of life.

Yaqoob Khan was a very capable and tireless teacher and his teaching style was very unique.

was All the school staff, local people and people associated with the teaching department paid tribute to Yaqoob Khan

and a farewell ceremony was organized in his honor in which Professor Ziaul Mustafi, Ameer Malik, Nasir Abdullah, Anwar Khan, Arif Hameed, Aslam Khan. And many other celebrities attended and added to the party vibe.


اس تصویر میں آپ محمد رفیق کو یقوب خان کے ساتھ دیکھ سکتے ہیں۔ محمد رفیق سکول ہذا کے سابقہ واٹر میں تھے اور اب ریٹاہرمنٹ کی زندگی گزار رہے ہیں۔ جب رفیق کو اطلاع ملی کہ اس کا پرانا دوست ریٹاہرمنٹ پر جارہا ہے تو وہ اپنے دوست الوداع کرنے کے لیے سکول پہنچ گیا۔ جمعہ کا خوبصورت دن خوبصورت لوگوں کے درمیان گزرا۔

In this picture you can see Muhammad Rafiq with Yakub Khan. Mohammad Rafiq School was in the former water of this and is now living a retired life.

When Rafiq gets information that his old friend is going on retirement, he reaches school to bid farewell to his friend. A beautiful Friday was spent among beautiful people.


اسلم سکول میں بطور مالی کے فراہض سرانجام دے رہا ہے۔ اس تصویر میں اسلم یعقوب خان کو گلے لگ کر الوداع کر رہا ہے۔ اسلم گلے لگ کر رونے لگ کہ اب یعقوب خان اس سکول میں واپس نہیں آئے گا اور ہم ایک اچھے معلم سے محروم ہورہے ہیں۔لیکن ملازمت کے دوران سے سلسلہ جاری رہتا ہے اور یہی نظام قدرت ہے۔

Aslam is performing his duties as a financial officer in the school. In this picture, Aslam bids farewell to Yaqoob Khan by hugging him. Aslam hugged and started crying that now Yakub Khan will not return to this school and we are losing a good teacher.



یعقوب خان اپنے طالب علموں سے آخری خطاب کررہے ہیں۔ یعقوب خان ہر لحاظ سے ایک بہترین معلم تھے۔ ہمیں یعقوب خان کی کمی سکول میں ہمیشہ محسوس ہوتی رہے گی۔

Yaqub Khan giving his last address to his students. Yaqub Khan was an excellent teacher in every respect. We will always miss Yakub Khan in the school.




تمام ٹیچرز یعقوب خان کو مل رہے ہیں۔ تمام ٹیچرز یعقوب خان کے مختلف تحاہف لے کر آئے۔

All the teachers are meeting Yaqub Khan. All the teachers brought different gifts of Yakub Khan.




All the teachers are meeting Yaqub Khan. All the teachers brought different gifts of Yakub Khan.





تمام سٹاف نے جمعہ کی نماز ادا کی اور پھر سب نے مل کر کھانا کھایا۔ ہم سب سکول کے ٹیچرز اور کچھ مقامی افراد یعقوب خان کو گھر چھوڑنے اعزاز کے ساتھ گئے۔ عصر سے شام تک ہم یعقوب خان کے گھر پر رہے اور پھر سب افراد اپنے اپنے گھروں کو واپس چلے گئے۔ یہ جمعہ کے دن کی خوبصورت تقریب کی یاد تھی جو ہم نے اپنے محترم استاد یعقوب خان کے اعزاز میں منعقد کی تھی۔میں رات کو گھر واپس آیا اور پھر رات کو کھانا کھایا ، میں نے کھانا کھانے کے بعد سٹیمٹ پر پوسٹ چیک کی اور کمنٹس لکھے۔ میں رات کو سوگیا۔ میں اپنے اگلی پوسٹ میں مزید تصاویر اس تقریب سے متعلق آپ سب کے ساتھ شئیر کرونگا۔



A former student of ours has expressed some such thoughts about his respected teachers. These words are written by this student with love and respect.

The teacher is the architect of the nation who taught even a single word and "He who has surely benefited from the value of this architect, his great teacher"...

Respect your teacher and your parents. The first lap belongs to the mother. You are like a coal, but the person who carves you and carves you into a diamond is called a teacher.

Teachers are the builders of the nation, and the nations that do not value their builders, the names of such nations are erased from the pages.

When a teacher changes the life of a child, he actually changes the life of a generation, and when the same teacher changes the lives of many children, he actually changes the life of many generations.

Those who value the teacher, success longs to meet them

The biggest role in changing a nation is that of a teacher, so if we learn to value teachers in our lives, how far our nation can reach.

Yaqoob Sahib was certainly a great educationist as well as an excellent teacher.
During our studentship, we all found you to be very polite, hardworking, sophisticated, very compassionate and have a great attachment to your profession and learned a lot from you.

Today Government High School Pai Khel lost a very capable and good teacher
Retirement is part of the job. Sir your educational services and good training you gave us will always be remembered.

I pay my respects to you and pray for your good health and a prosperous retired life.

I pray that Allah Almighty will grant you success and prosperity in every field of life and give you a healthy and healthy life and keep your shadow on our heads forever. Amen or Lord of the worlds 🤲🤲

As teachers, I have learned from my teaching field that if we are dedicated to our profession, we can turn the tide.

And teaching is a sacred profession. A teacher leads the lives of thousands of young people to success.

Every teacher wishes that this student should be successful in every field of this world and be able to lead a good life.

Every human wants to be successful and wants to live a good and prosperous life and education is one such field that enables a person to lead a dignified life.

All the staff offered Friday prayers and then everyone had food together. All of us school teachers and some local people went with the honor of leaving Yakub Khan home.

We stayed at Yaqoob Khan's house from Asr to Evening and then everyone went back to their homes.

This was the memory of the beautiful ceremony on Friday that we organized in honor of our respected Ustad Yaqoob Khan. I returned home at night and then had dinner, after dinner I checked the post on steemit and Write comments.

I slept at night. I will share more pictures of the event with you all in my next post.



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