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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

FYI… Somebody else mentioned that the earlier image had some Masonic symbolism so Megadrive spent many weeks trying to find a better image to use. There were long debates, and many designs proposed until finally I suggested we have a contest with Blurt Art to create a new image … tons and tons and tons of hours were spent by megadrive and others to make everyone happy. Also. We have tried to work with real people to come up with a Blurt logo or Selfie everyone is happy with… and yakubenko decided to make some. The original images she was making had nothing at all to do with Ukraine. So no one is ever happy ever.

Ah damn I missed the competition. It would be nice to run it every few months actually and keep it rotating between various blogger.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I've learned a lot since taking a shit on the platform in my last post. What I've learned most, is there have been big holes in everyone's knowledge and understanding of what has been going on around here. Like what you say above, frankly I had no idea about any of that, or how closely @yakubenko was tied into Blurt and the higher ups here. I thought she was just posting selfies with the blurt image and Ukraine flag, cause she knew megadrive would up vote it and she could just make some extra money. I never visited her blog before, so for someone who has never visited her blog before, that is how it looked to me. Two seperate agendas...yakubenko seeing an opportunity to score some megadrive up-votes and megadrive being able to promote blurt tied to Ukraine.

I'm really not an asshole, I just could not have seen the full picture, without doing major research so, You are right about taking my concerns private before airing them public, but now....I actually think all the communication I stirred up, has actually been a net good for everyone.

I mean I worked in fashion photography and I saw a lot of ppl making these kinds of images on photos. I think some ppl know what they are doing, some do not and just like it. Honestly even myself I have no idea what's masonic about it, it's kind of thing we did a lot in magazines spreads for fashion magazines. I know some people will see something in it, maybe there is but the point is its hard to know. Maybe mega drive can give his opinion.