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in r2cornell •  3 years ago 

Exactly! He would be far better of doing nothing with his up-vote power than doing this. It's just making Blurt look like it's run by an MSM power instead of a decentralized blockchain. Huge turn off. Maybe he's got some strange connections we don't know about, after all @megadrive is just an inside member of the "hive cabal" that got kicked out, cause he wasn't cabal enough or something.

And how come nobody commented on one of my major points. The occult woman image, that has thankfully been changed. Seriously, that alone had me really almost not buying 500,000 blurt. Especially after blowing their shit up. Who knows if and how many other's simply chose not to invest because of that. Maybe none, maybe many, we'll never know.

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This is what I'm talking about....I'm not going to hold half a million blurt and sit back idley while I see such foolish business moves on a regular. The price could and should be double what is now. Frankly it could be much more than that.

tbh I don't rly buy into occult imagery. I am more about energy and intention. Most occult symbolism was actually positive and then manipulated for darker means and not everyone follows that kind of thing. For example the swastika was linked to I believe it was buddhism before it got used by Hitler and made into something that everyone thinks is a sign of evil. I really don't buy into this stuff, I got a lot of hatred on my painting of the all seeing eye lol but to me it's just an image about being connected to the one source. Sure some ppl have used the all seeing eye for negative connotations but I choose not to.

I do not either. But when I see it all tied to the evil rotten downvoters over there, and I know that is the group @megadrive got kicked out gets me thinking. That's all.

I don't know the history of megadrive and hive actually, maybe he could share his story I would be interested to hear it, I wouldn't want to jump to assumptions I guess, I mean I was invited to an inner group and left and that doesn't mean I was connected, not the kind of really inner groups for sure but

And I'm not the only one.

I direct you to a comment to me by top steem witness steem chiller.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

FYI… Somebody else mentioned that the earlier image had some Masonic symbolism so Megadrive spent many weeks trying to find a better image to use. There were long debates, and many designs proposed until finally I suggested we have a contest with Blurt Art to create a new image … tons and tons and tons of hours were spent by megadrive and others to make everyone happy. Also. We have tried to work with real people to come up with a Blurt logo or Selfie everyone is happy with… and yakubenko decided to make some. The original images she was making had nothing at all to do with Ukraine. So no one is ever happy ever.

Ah damn I missed the competition. It would be nice to run it every few months actually and keep it rotating between various blogger.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I've learned a lot since taking a shit on the platform in my last post. What I've learned most, is there have been big holes in everyone's knowledge and understanding of what has been going on around here. Like what you say above, frankly I had no idea about any of that, or how closely @yakubenko was tied into Blurt and the higher ups here. I thought she was just posting selfies with the blurt image and Ukraine flag, cause she knew megadrive would up vote it and she could just make some extra money. I never visited her blog before, so for someone who has never visited her blog before, that is how it looked to me. Two seperate agendas...yakubenko seeing an opportunity to score some megadrive up-votes and megadrive being able to promote blurt tied to Ukraine.

I'm really not an asshole, I just could not have seen the full picture, without doing major research so, You are right about taking my concerns private before airing them public, but now....I actually think all the communication I stirred up, has actually been a net good for everyone.

I mean I worked in fashion photography and I saw a lot of ppl making these kinds of images on photos. I think some ppl know what they are doing, some do not and just like it. Honestly even myself I have no idea what's masonic about it, it's kind of thing we did a lot in magazines spreads for fashion magazines. I know some people will see something in it, maybe there is but the point is its hard to know. Maybe mega drive can give his opinion.

Here's the genius choice that was made. Found it on that comment from @steemchiller.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yo I think you are making too much drama over nothing, the image was supplied by a user, I was like “cool that looks nice, sure let’s put it up.” I don’t subacribe to the occult so didn’t pick up
on the images, that’s all. It has since been changed and all is right with the world. Try see the world with positive eyes

Thanks for explaining. In fact I'm thoroughly impressed with your ability to communicate effectively and handle a bit of harsh and misplaced criticism. I just posted a response and a sincere apology to you. I guess I'm still a little suspicious and mis-trusting after all that went down on Hive. But you have gained my trust and respect in leaps and bounds due to your well worded communication and I thank you for that.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I got a lot of hatred on my painting of the all seeing eye

...the only conversations concerning the image you made (on blurt), were with myself and @ajerkoff

I'm fascinated in how you interpreted (or how you choose to describe), 'I got a lot of hatred'...

I see no hatred from @jerkoff, in his comments, - And I certainly expressed no hatred myself ...
Words express the inner perspectives of the mind in very subtle, and not so subtle , ways.

Ergo, I'm fascinated by your interpretation....

....the comments are here, to save looking.

I got a lot of hatred on my painting of the all seeing eye...

Can you help me out here?.... and reconcile your statement with the comments (below)
(....only one can be correct...)

I do not like that image on so many levels, one eye club, black eye club, pyramid, full on Freemason imagery. Not sorry, that is what has made this world such a mess, just check out the one eye club of singers, red shoes, you have a lot to learn, that image I would bin, not pay for, no offense intended but nope, not my cup of tea.

That image does represent everything that the 'awakening' is fighting against .....
...No disparagement on your art- god no - but the message does not align with the piccy - the total opposite in fact - try and extract wealth by selling it to the united nations - they would love it ! lol

ok, fair enough - but I guarantee it is what is represents to the market you are looking to sell to..
'the awakening' is synonymous with destroying the pyramid/freemason/all seeing eye , paradigm

4 - Copy - Copy.jpg

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Funny thing hatred, I guess anyone can read words wrong or read intent that is not there, if they chose to do so, watched some Amber heard yesterday, by gawd that woman is a demon, she sees bad in everything including Johnny Depp walking away so as not to get a saucepan over his head.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

From what I know about JD him (met him a couple of times), and my ex was hit on by him!, and someone who worked for me, used to serve his table for breakfast quite a bit - never heard a negative word or feedback ...Seemed ok to me.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

He seems so laid back and chilled, she seems like a complete psycho/narcissist lunatic.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

laid back and chilled ....pretty much everyone's opinion of him by people I know, who know him... (inc myself).

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Amber on the other hand, well let's not go there, god help the man that ends up with that emotional wreck of a human.

Well I used the term somewhat loosely but I would consider someone saying to bin something as hating it lol I wasn’t rly bothered I’m just saying that I also got comments about using Masonic imagery when I defo am not a Masonic overlord lol can’t rly be bothered to discuss it anymore just woke up.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

'Hate' is a very loaded term - extreme - and words matter if you wish to maintain a clarity of meaning .

The manipulator intentionally clouds the clarity of meaning, with the misuse of words......(hence my piqued interest with your choices).


  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I’m pretty loose with my words generally, a word is just whatever a human decides to make it. Intuition is everything. Fuck can be used as a Joke, about sex and as a hate word... intention is everything. I think you guys hated the artwork / didn’t like it don’t think for a minute that means you loathe my soul 🤣

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I’m pretty loose with my words generally

Well, sharpen it up, missy ! lol

a word is just whatever a human decides to make it.

Postmodern logic. - I.e - illogical. Words are socially defined verbal expressionof a thing, an idea, a concept.
(postmodern subjectivism is a denial of this, intended to promote confusion and denigrate clarity as having less value)

Intuition is everything.

non sequitur.

I think you guys hated the artwork

...but....but.... 'words are whatever a human decides to make it '- so you interpret our expressions with your own reality based on the value you alot to specific words - not the socially accepted meaning and context of those words - that is very dangerous....

/ didn’t like it don’t think for a minute that means you loathe my soul 🤣

I loathe non one - only lies and poor thinking (lack of logic and critical thinking).
As words come out of an individuals mouth, my aggression towards stupid thought process and illogical thinking, is misnterpeted with those of weak ego, as personal...
People the misinterpret that as hate (weak ego) - because of the very postmodernist thought processes of 'words are whatever a human decides to make it '

I just don’t care that much sorry