The most sane, rational and inevitable end of socialized healthcare doctors signing up unproductive members of the society for state controlled suicide. Unlike most of the people reacting to what is going on in Canada, I have no surprise or outrage. Not many (even many who often agree with me) were not ready to accept my forecast. Now we have real polices and laws doing exactly what I saw as the inevitable anti-life end of socialized medicine.
I do believe each individuals have the right to do what they want with their body. This does include suicide and I firmly hold that suicide should never be regarded as a crime. Suicide is not what I have an issue with. My fight is against pushing people towards suicide through social pressure and authority figures (so called "healthcare professionals").
Interview With Kelsi Sheren
She is a combat veteran and artillery gunner in the Canadian military who served in Afghanistan in 2009. She was 19 when deployed and she suffered PTSD. She has first hand experience in facing mental health issues and what help these people get better and become healthier human beings.
The planes are already in place for the "healthcare professionals" to start suggesting dying to children. Infanticide upto 1 year of age is also in the works to be legalized. Do your own research and you will find many evidence. Below is a screenshot from a Global News article from 2023.
Fifth Annual Report on Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada, 2023
These are all public information published by the Canadian government. I could not find a sixth annual report covering 2024. A quick Brave Search is enough to find all the reports. The statistics and images for this section of the article are taken from the official source. Click on the title above for the full report.
Track 1: Who met the eligibility criteria set out above and were assessed as having a natural death that was “reasonably foreseeable.”
Track 2: Who met the eligibility criteria set out above and were assessed as having a natural death that was not “reasonably foreseeable.
Keep the above definition in mind while you take a look at these statistics. Track 2 are people who had no risk of dying due to a medical condition. These are suicides that are often recommended doctors and peers.
Age and Gender
Medical Conditions ("Other" Can Be Used As A Loophole)
Reported Nature of Suffering
Poor People Are More Likely To Request Death
Fourth Annual Report on Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada, 2022
There were many important statistics that did not get attention in Canada's latest available report. The following are some of the data they are trying to bury.
The Number of Government Assisted Deaths Are on a Steady Rise
Percentage of Total Deaths Attributed to Government Programs (MAID)
The Retired Population is More Likely Choose Suicide
As a percentage, it is not the oldest population that is picking government assisted suicide as an option. The numbers shown are the MAID death as a percentage of the total number of deaths.
The percentage of males versus females receiving MAID is quite similar between the ages of 18-64. More males received MAID between ages 65-85, with differences noted between the two genders at ages 65-70 (15.6% males vs 13.1% females), 71-75 (17.8% males vs 13.4% females) and 76-80 (16.8% males vs 14.6% females). During the later years of life, the trend reverses with more females receiving MAID. The greatest differential occurred in the age group 91+ with almost double the number of females as compared to males (15.7% vs 8.2%) receiving MAID. The overall trend is similar to results reported in 2021, with more males receiving MAID in the middle years, with the proportion of females increasing and exceeding the proportion of males as age increases (and consistent with the greater number of females living past the age of 90).
Unique MAID Practitioners in Canada and Frequency of Provision
Source of the Written Request
Take a very good look at this chart. It is true that some patients may want to die, but not have the ability to make the written request by themselves. But keep in mind that "Track 2" do not even have a foreseeable death and 70.3% of written requests did not come directly from the patient. It was likely "suggested" to them or worse. This is government reporting on what they have been doing.
More Requests Lead to Death
The number of requests deemed ineligible are down by 56.25% in 3 years. Even the number of requests withdrawn are on steady downtrend.
The number of requests deemed ineligible are down by 56.25% in 3 years. Even the number of requests withdrawn are on steady downtrend. Below are the reasons for withdrawal. The only section that is on a clear downtrend is family not supporting MAID. In other words, families are being more accepting of MAID.
Excerpts from Atlas Shrugged
The following excerpts are from the 10th chapter of Part Two of Atlas Shrugged. Keep reading and you might be able to realize why I suddenly switched from health to literature. Both of these have an economic context.
"Well, there was something that happened at that plant where I worked for twenty years. It was when the old man died and his heirs took over. There were three of them, two sons and a daughter, and they brought a new plan to run the factory. They let us vote on it, too, and everybody—almost everybody—voted for it. We didn't know. We thought it was good. No, that's not true, either. We thought that we were supposed to think it was good. The plan was that everybody in the factory would work according to his ability, but would be paid according to his need."
"What's whose ability and which of whose needs comes first? When it's all one pot, you can't let any man decide what his own needs are, can you? If you did, he might claim that he needs a yacht—and if his feelings are all you have to go by, he might prove it, too. Why not? If it's not right for me to own a car until I've worked myself into a hospital ward, earning a car for every loafer and every naked savage on earth—why can't he demand a yacht from me, too, if I still have the ability not to have collapsed?"
"It took us just one meeting to discover that we had become beggars—rotten, whining, sniveling beggars, all of us, because no man could claim his pay as his rightful earning, he had no rights and no earnings, his work didn't belong to him, it belonged to 'the family', and they owed him nothing in return, and the only claim he had on them was his 'need'—so he had to beg in public for relief from his needs, like any lousy moocher, listing all his troubles and miseries, down to his patched drawers and his wife's head colds, hoping that 'the family' would throw him the alms. He had to claim miseries, because it's miseries, not work, that had become the coin of the realm—so it turned into a contest between six thousand panhandlers, each claiming that his need was worse than his brother's. How else could it be done? Do you care to guess what happened, what sort of men kept quiet, feeling shame, and what sort got away with the jackpot?"
"Drink, of course, was what we all turned to, some more, some less. Don't ask how we got the money for it. When all the decent pleasures are forbidden, there's always ways to get the rotten ones. You don't break into grocery stores after dark and you don't pick your fellow's pockets to buy classical symphonies or fishing tackle, but if it's to get stinking drunk and forget—you do."
"Any man who tried to play straight, had to refuse himself everything. He lost his taste for any pleasure, he hated to smoke a nickel's worth of tobacco or chew a stick of gum, worrying whether somebody had more need for that nickel. He felt ashamed of every mouthful of food he swallowed, wondering whose weary nights of overtime had paid for it, knowing that his food was not his by right, miserably wishing to be cheated rather than to cheat, to be a sucker, but not a blood-sucker. He wouldn't marry, he wouldn't help his folks back home, he wouldn't put an extra burden on 'the family.' Besides, if he still had some sort of sense of responsibility, he couldn't marry or bring children into the world, when he could plan nothing, promise nothing, count on nothing. But the shiftless and irresponsible had a field day of it. They bred babies, they got girls into trouble, they dragged in every worthless relative they had from all over the country, every unmarried pregnant sister, for an extra 'disability allowance,' they got more sicknesses than any doctor could disprove, they ruined their clothing, their furniture, their homes—what the hell, 'the family' was paying for it! They found more ways of getting in 'need' than the rest of us could ever imagine—they developed a special skill for it, which was the only ability they showed."
Why Don't You Die Like Other Decent Old/Disabled People!
COVID-19 is an excellent example of what mass indoctrination and peer pressure can do. At one point wearing a mask was pushed as a "sign of respect". Never forget what happened during these times. Under socialized healthcare, nobody can take full responsibility for their actions. They cannot even pay for their own healthcare needs. We are moving in that direction.
Never forget that the people pushing for MAID are simply a part of the anti-life crowd that view having babies as an increase of carbon footprint. Humans may be fueling global warming by breathing. In case these propaganda artists remove the page, I will leave a screenshot.
They are not looking to create sustainable systems. Those who are currently in charge will reduce the burden on the system by pushing more people to die when they cannot contribute to society anymore. This is not even the worst part. There are others who are against life itself.
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