I Wish - Poetry by Me

in r2cornell •  3 years ago 

I Wish


When the night is no longer a star
When the moon is out of sight
That's when, until now I miss you

As long as the stars I can always see
During the moon always accompany me on dark nights
I always tell them

I miss you..
Missing soft caresses
The affection that I want to always feel from you

Sometimes I cry
While telling stories to the moon and stars
About the feelings I have for you

I wish you knew this taste
A taste that is difficult for me to get rid of
Because I love you too much

And now I hope you come back
I hope it is difficult for you to get rid of myself in your heart
So that you are always not far from me

Am I?
Love you, hope you come back
And all this, only IF

Enough to this the poetry that I wrote today, I hope you all like it sorry if there is an error in writing my poetry because I am still learning and not yet proficient in composing poetry, ask for your help and comments so that I will be more motivated in composing poetry, thank you and See you

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