Labels and Next Steps

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 


Hello folks.

I am pleased to say I am enjoying my foray into Blurt. It is a little quiet but I understand the nature of the draw of the platform and the impact that the perceived price can have on users and participation levels.

I have been attempting to accumulate more Blurt, without paying over the odds to then see it fall. I will continue to do so. First short term target I have is to reach 100K!

I lost a little on Robinia swap, but I am not upset. In crypto, I almost expect that kind of horseshit occasionally. I shall stick to exchanges, I am more comfortable there.

I have been reading and attempting to follow a number of people. I see some differences expressed in posts and find this good. People should be free to say what is on their minds.

One thing that is on my mind is the use of labels.

I despise them.

I refuse to fall into the trap of labelling myself and I make my best efforts not to label others.

Why? I mean, it is part of the human condition is it not. The hunter-gatherer mentally labelelled those in his tribe as useful/lazy/resourceful/annoying. So it has been and continues to be to this day.

But labels have been co-opted by those behind the curtains. The unelected that rule out of sight.

Take the simplest of things. Left and Right. Now, once upon a time you might have thought that this was a direction or a side of an object, now it is something to negatively label people with.

When we fight among ourselves we lose sight of the strings that are being pulled to control our actions.

My advice to all is to look up. See the puppetmasters and their tricks. Do not be fooled into believing you are on the winning side and that all others are evil or stupid in intent.

In fact, debating teams use an interesting tool. You are given a subject and one of you has to defend it and the other has to attack it regardless of your own feelings on the subject.

It can be an enlightening exercise and one which I have found useful in assessing my own position and that of others in life.

Labels, let's leave them to food and accept that if others don't believe as you do, it does not make them intrinsically evil or stupid.

Carry on and keep Blurting!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Very good outlook.

Thank you. We have to start with ourselves and see our actions spread.

I refuse to fall into the trap of labelling myself and I make my best efforts not to label others.

Yes, absolutely agree. I really don't like lables. Some would label me a college drop out, and others would label me a self success. Labels can often tell you more about the one casting them then having them cast upon them.... Except for "Travel Pro" hahahaha

I guess that is one label for me that is going to stick. But then again I've been traveling and living internationally for nearly 20 years now! So it's all good. Thanks for writing the post. Re-blurted to get some more eyes on you.

Hey thank you for that and hello from one college drop out to another. Some labels are acceptable. For all I say I am guilty of casting myself in some and others in some but as long as I try and not get caught in the trap I remain happy with myself.

I guess you are a traveller, I shall follow and see

I now know what reblurting is, thank you!

Been doing the same for around 7 months rly now is the time to get a good amount of tokens i reckon :)

Posted from

The investor mindset. Get them low and sell them high then get them low again 👍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well said I agree think and do as you feel.

We are our own men. If we can say such things now