All day today

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim All praises to Allah Almighty.
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah how are you all, I think you all are very well by the grace of Allah Ta'ala I am also well by your prayers and by the grace of Allah Alhamdulillah.

 Today I am going to share my whole day story with you hope you like it.

     All day today


Today I woke up at six in the morning then completed my natural tasks and had breakfast then left for coaching.

Finally I went to school and started coaching till eleven.

Then our class started our fourth period when the class was going on our sir asked us to do a class play I participated in that play.

I took more of a character for myself in that play and did it beautifully.

Next thing I did was a meeting of our scouts as I am a member of scouts so I had to join the meeting of that scout there was a meeting for about 15 minutes and I participated in the whole meeting.

After that I finished all the school classes as usual and I came home at 1 pm.


After lunch and back on my shoulder again I went back to the school to coach for the second time.

I had a little problem when I went to the coaching, I was late but still I attended the coaching.

After the coaching class was over Sir shared some stories of his life with us.

Afternoon was spent well before I left home at noon mom paid me to bring me breakfast in the evening.

As usual I did the same thing when I came from school and brought breakfast for the evening and then came home we all sat together and had breakfast together.

Then after Maghrib I sat down to read now studying.

Today's whole day was pretty good. I chatted with my friends. I did a play in the class. I joined the scout's meeting. At home, my mother, sister and father all had breakfast. Today was a good day.

You all must pray for me so that I can complete my studies as well as the work I have undertaken and stay with you.

I pray to Allah that everyone is safe and well.


Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.

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