All day events tomorrow

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim All praises to Allah Almighty.
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah how are you all, I think you all are very well by the grace of Allah Ta'ala I am also well by your prayers and by the grace of Allah Alhamdulillah.

All day events tomorrow

I wake up first thing in the morning.


After that I brush my teeth. Put on school clothes after brushing your teeth.
Later I left for school. After reaching school I entered my class. After that, when my friends started arriving, the assembly was called after some time. I went to the assembly. After the assembly the class started. During the class I saw that I had left my pen at home. After that I could not write, sir then he gave me a pen to write. After writing, I see that the class time is over. Then the sir left without taking his pen. After that I went to meet the other sir as he was late. After that, after calling sir, sir started the class. In this way, after the end of 6 classes, that sir's class was held in 7 period. The sir who gave me the pen. When I write, I see that sir's pen is not available. After that sir said Tamim why you are not writing? I said sir I can't find the pen you gave me. Then sir got angry with me. I apologized to sir after that. Sir then excused me. After that, school holidays.

After school holidays, my friend and I went cycling. After cycling for a while we came home.

After coming home, I saw that my mother was not at home. Mother went to school with sister.

After that I had lunch after taking bath. After that I left for coaching.

I took a picture after the coaching.


After that the coaching class started.

After the coaching class, I returned home with a friend.


After returning home I had breakfast. After breakfast, I listened to music on the mobile for some time. After that I sat down to read. After finishing reading I went to sleep after dinner.


I pray to Allah that everyone is safe and well.

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.

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