๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€A famous Basketball player of all time "Michael Jordan" Leaf Artwork๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€

in r2cornell โ€ขย  2 years agoย 


Hello everyone have a nice and beautiful day to us .. it's sunday again have a time to think and do the things more that need to be done.

Today I would like to share with you again my newly made carving on the leaf and to be inspired my fellow fans of basketball he is my idol in terms of playing basketball his one of a kind basketball player he gave a brand to our time.

A good, kind and smart man when it comes to the quality of his play he is no other than "Michael Jordan" is the greatest basketball player of all time an american businessman and former professional basketball player thank you very much for requesting and buying this leaf artwork.

I am once again your leaf artist who will continue to make your desired leaf carvings. I am happy to always share my talent and skills on how to make many leaf art especially here with my hive family. Thank you for continuing and supporting my art.

Today I have another engraving on the leaves so stay tuned for my next leaf art nature blogs. Thank you once again, God bless everyone!







Hi guys, I am Jaypoy Sucal living near at Canuman mountain in Tarlac, Philippines. I am an Artist who loves making Leaf art, Charcoal drawing, Colored Pencil Painting, and Pointilism.
Leaf Art is I am focus right now because of lack of materials in making arts and financially. I learn how to make Arts out of Leaves which is abundant in our place especially living near mountains. I pray to God that He take care for all of us especially you for taking your precious time in visiting my post. God bless you
Please support me, you can visit my collection in https://nftshowroom.com/sucal/gallery


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