A Birthday Gift Surprise - Leaf Artwork ๐Ÿƒ ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’“

in r2cornell โ€ขย  2 years agoย 


Hello guy's its nice to be back and posted again my simple Leaf Art blog here on blurt.. Thank you for the opportunity to share my leaf carving with you all again.

For now I'm a bit busy I started to work at Four (4am) in the morning and finish at 8 o'clock in the evening, so I'm just now sharing this art even a little bit late, but eve though I'm busy, of course I can't neglect and let go of my little carving talent to share.

Thanks to my good and kind customer who is patiently waiting to finished this art that he requested to carve, he is a teacher (Mr. Resty Reyes) he wants to give it to his friend who is also his co- teacher on his upcoming birthday.

I hope your friend sir will like it and surprise him on his birthday. To all those who carve their photos on leaves, thank you very much for enjoying a natural art created on a simple leaves.

I hope you will join me again in my next carvings, it is an honor to have you create a work of art that is my own verion of art and my own work. Until my next blog again, thank you very much to everyone. God bless everyone โฃโค


Hi guys, I am Jaypoy Sucal living near at Canuman mountain in Tarlac, Philippines. I am an Artist who loves making Leaf art, Charcoal drawing, Colored Pencil Painting, and Pointilism.
Leaf Art is I am focus right now because of lack of materials in making arts and financially. I learn how to make Arts out of Leaves which is abundant in our place especially living near mountains. I pray to God that He take care for all of us especially you for taking your precious time in visiting my post. God bless you
Please support me, you can visit my collection in https://nftshowroom.com/sucal/gallery


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