Today photography 11-07-2023

in r2cornell •  last year 

Hello all friends:

Short photography, also known as "short exposure photography," refers to capturing images using a relatively short shutter speed. By using a fast shutter speed, you can freeze motion and capture crisp, sharp images of subjects that are moving quickly. Short photography is commonly used in sports, action, and wildlife photography to capture fast-paced moments with minimal blur.

To achieve short photography, you need to adjust your camera settings to allow for a quick exposure time.




  1. Set your camera to manual mode or shutter priority mode (usually indicated by "Tv" or "S" on the camera's mode dial).

  2. Select a fast shutter speed. This will depend on the speed of the subject and the amount of light available. Shutter speeds of 1/500th of a second or faster are often used for capturing action.

  3. Adjust the ISO setting to ensure proper exposure. Higher ISO values can increase the camera's sensitivity to light, allowing for faster shutter speeds. However, higher ISO settings can introduce noise into the image, so find a balance that works for your specific situation.

  4. Use a wide aperture (smaller f-number) to allow more light into the camera. This will help compensate for the faster shutter speed and ensure a properly exposed image.

  5. Consider using burst mode or continuous shooting mode if your camera has this feature. It allows you to capture a rapid sequence of images, increasing your chances of capturing the perfect moment.

  6. Use a tripod or stabilize yourself by leaning against a solid object if necessary.

  7. Anticipate the action and be ready to press the shutter button at the right moment to capture the desired image.


Remember, short photography requires practice and experimentation to achieve the desired results. Adjust your settings based on the specific lighting conditions and the speed of your subject. With time and experience, you'll be able to master short photography techniques and capture stunning action-packed images.

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