RE: LET US TALK- BF, devs, gamestate and you

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LET US TALK- BF, devs, gamestate and you

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

Who is your favorite blurt dev and why?

@tekraze and @saboin are two developers I admire so much. The give a better understanding on what is going on in Blurt. I so much appreciate their work.

Have you bought gamestate token STATE? If no why?

No I haven't. I will buy it once I get over the trauma I'm already into, still because of tokens I purchased.

What do you understand by blurt foundation?

The Blurt foundation constitute those who created the Blurt platform as well as those managing it.

Do you want the current blurt leaders to step aside? Why

They are trying their very best to see to the success of Blurt. Bringing in a new set of leaders would disrupt the growth process of Blurt, so the current Blurt leaders should continue.

How bad has the dip in crypto affected you? Did it affect your future plans ?

As I am typing now, my exchange wallet doesn't have value. I'm sad about it everyday. I had plans on what I'd use the profits for, but right now, it's saddening. It's affecting me really bad.

Can you run and maintain a blockchain? Or do you have the skills to become one of the devs?

I don't have an absolute idea on how to run a blockchain, but I think I know the basics. So I can't do it all alone. 😔

Blurt on!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Be strong it will be only for a moment beofre everything goes back to normal. You will smile again surely. Good answer on the blurt foundation.thanks for engaging today please come back next Tuesday 😎💪😊

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for participating in this week edition of Let Us Talk Tuesday.

As I am typing now, my exchange wallet doesn't have value. I'm sad about it everyday. I had plans on what I'd use the profits for, but right now, it's saddening. It's affecting me really bad.

Don't feel bad my brother, the Land will definitely be green soon.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

At least you know the basics , you are better than me that just want to learn

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks friends for the encouragement.. I really appreciate