Dragons Chasing Lightnings - NFT Art

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

Dragons Chasing Lightnings hive.jpg

That night I saw them, during that storm that terrified everyone so much that no one dared to look out the window, that night I was the only one who saw them;

they were huge and imposing and they launched themselves undaunted from the sky against the lightning that fell to the earth, they hunted them despite the danger of being electrocuted, they joined their wings to their body to plummet and in doing so they merged with the rays that change color as if they were an unstable rainbow.

Then I don't know if they went back up, the scenery was very confusing and after a dragon launched against lightning the sky brightened and it was difficult to know if the dragon that was launched went back up to the sky or fell to earth.

After tokenizing for the first time in @nftshowroom I have not been able to stop, I have really been excited to bring more of my recent works to this NFT market in which I am just beginning to make myself known.

The collection that I am enriching is called "Visual Universe" and I am publishing all my Visual Arts works there. It is an extremely varied collection where my restless and constantly changing personality is very well represented.

My new work is abstract as you can see, however, as in my other works, photography has been my base, although in this case it may be a bit difficult to believe. I constantly experiment with Bulbo (Low Exposure Photography) and for that the city, the lights and the roads are great.

As on other occasions, Photoshop was my great ally to manipulate the photograph extremely and turn it into this beautiful and rare work.

Dragons Chasing Lightnings narrates a fantastic event witnessed only by one person, those verses about the work are my own and I composed them especially for the original description of the work published in #nftshowroom

Everything I narrate in those verses is what the image was transmitting to me as I was manipulating and shaping it. As I say in the description, the dragons are at the top and here (in this part of the image) we can see one that is about to swoop down.


Further down we have another dragon that has already launched and is colliding with the lightning as it is pulled back by the impact.


Finally we have the rays, which are the most colorful element of the work and at the same time what allow this fantastic narrative.

These rays are also a point that gives a lot of movement to the work, as the dragons guide the viewer's gaze to the top right and swoop down to the rays.

The lightning bolts then guide the viewer's gaze to the left and take him out of the work, just as the lightning bolts take the dragons trying to hunt them out of this panorama.


Like the other works that I have published, its sale price is 15 Hive and it only mints a single edition. Here is the link to the NFT at NFTShowroom: https://nftshowroom.com/sembrandounpais/gallery/sembrandounpais_visual-universe_dragons-chasing-lightnings

Before concluding I want to add that abstract art is very subjective and that regardless of the author's vision, viewers will always be able to make their own readings. So I would love for you to tell me if you saw the dragons and the lightning bolts too? Or if on the contrary you saw something different.

I hope to read his answers, thank you very much for joining me again.

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