The Big Question: Why am I here?

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

Greetings #Blurts,

I woke up with one big question, which I share with you today. It's not just by existing ooooo, the questions is that are you living the life God has called you to live?

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Give it a genuine thought again dear reader? Why are you on the face of this earth?

"If the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable." So a cliche says.

Oh! You don't know that you can be an abuse to life and existence if you do not have a definite answer to this strategic question?

God did not just created you to add to the population of the world, like ma'am Chinaza Favour would say, you are not just another face in the crowd. Stand out! You know what, it is your unique purpose that will stand you out!

God created you for a specific and special reason and there is no worse life than a life oblivion and void of clarity, precision and direction as to what to do in life, with life,for life, for humanity.


In fact, a life without purpose is frustrating and not worth living!
God is not partial, He created everyone distinctively, uniquely for a reason and embedded and equipped you with everything you need to fulfil life and destiny.

It is an error to pass through life without the world knowing that you came. I said sometime ago in my post, when you leave, would you have lived?

The world awaits your manifestation! Look within, sit with yourself, introspect, search within, search with the touch light of the spirit to really know why you are here and start living up to it.

  • You are a light! So shine your light for the world to see.

  • Find your creativity. If you can't find expression for your creativity, what doest thou on earth?

  • The world needs you, souls needs you. Someone (people) needs you to live again.

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  • You also have a quota to contribute to life. Yes! You! Don't look back.

  • You were created to fill a gap. The world is full of trouble, what solution are you bringing to the table?

How delightful it is, knowing why you came to the world. As for me, I'm still on the journey of discovery, however, I've come to realize that I was created to live for Abba, to show His effulgence through my life, to restore lost souls to Christ. To minister life to the broken hearted. To give hope to the hopeless, blessing lives just as Abba wants it. I am here to change the narrative for good.

To impact and influence lives, to bless humanity through my God given talents- Teaching, writing, speaking on this platforms...My mission is to help people lead a happy, wholesome and productive life.

I am created for more though because it only gets clearer by the day. Clarity they say comes with doing.

Over to you, you don't know why you are here and you are still folding your arms doing nothing? Hmmmm. It's dangerous. Don't fail you! Don't fail humanity! Don't fail God. I'm sure you don't want to be a passerby, so, Get up! Get to work! Explore you! Find expression! Make your life count.

Be reminded, God is counting on you.

#blurt is counting on you.

If you read to this point, let me know by affirming convincingly and writing in the comments "God is counting on me"

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