RE: Acknowledging A Core Philanthropist @elkezaksek

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Acknowledging A Core Philanthropist @elkezaksek

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

Wow, I don't have any excuse for what soever reason not help, now I understand better if really, one wants to help there are diverse Ways to go about it not necessarily money. I understand people are naturally born that way even though we can still cultivate such habit of generosity but some incident are extreme and perculiar your's is not an exception. You reach out to people you have never met or had any experience with but yet you extend your act of charity to them with so much passion. It's something I only heard from far, this is my first time of witness to such. I believe it's by the grace of His to have such a generous heart and the world would have been a better place with such people. Thank you

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Giving makes happy!

I have seen a lot of poverty in my life and very often I stood next to it and could not do much because I lacked the possibilities.
We have the opportunity in Uganda to improve the lives of the people there very much.
For us in Germany it is a matter of course to have water and electricity in the house.
Also we have enough to eat and if we have difficulties, there are places or people who help us.
Also our health system is one of the best in the world.

So I was very lucky to be born in such a country.
I give (gladly) a piece of my luck...