in r2cornell •  last year 


Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with
all your might.

There are area I live in recently had the lowest voter turn- out in Kaduna Nigeria. That may not seem significant, until you start listening to some of the people around here complaining. Do we really have the right to complain about what we permit?

We march against abortion, but how about providing a home for that girl who went wrong? We've had a lot of attention on the plight of the elderly who have to choose between prescriptions to keep them healthy or food to keep them alive. So many live in despair and loneliness, but have you visited any of them? James says that pure religion will cause us to reach out to those who hurt.

When Jesus told the rich young ruler how much it would cost to follow Him, "He went away sorrowful," wishing it could have been easier. Salvation may be free, but discipleship will cost you everything you've got. It's literally signing your name to the bottom of the check and saying, "Lord, You fill in the amount."

Remember yesterday? There's not a thing you can do about it, except learn from it and go out today asking God to give you the grace to make it count for Him.

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  ·  last year  ·  

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